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Keep screen on while charging


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New to the 250C board.....

I have several 200s, 75s and a couple 75cs. On these other boards, the device screen comes on when plugged in to charge. The 250C does not.  With the 200s and boards before it, I was able to keep the screen on while it was charging. 

Is this an option with the 250c that I may be overlooking? 

To recap, I'd like the 250c screen to come on when plugged in and to stay on (adjustable brightness) while charging. Is this possible with the 250c?

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  • 8 months later...

I just got my Lost Vape Drone 250c and noticed I can't find a setting for this either. Is it no longer available as an option like my DNA200 devices? I realize this is an old thread, but after searching, this was all I could find. If my search skills are lacking here, could one of you kind members point me to the thread that provides an answer?

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While I try to use an external charger most of the time when I'm home, I use the device to charge on my desk at work. Being able to see at a glance the charge status and also the charging current  have always been one of those silly features that I loved with me DNA200s.

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  • 1 year later...

Make that three, has anyone had any luck with this. Have just built my first 250c and didn't realize how much I used the charging screen on my 250 and 200 until now. Have tried making my own theme with conditions on lock screen but this hasn't worked. Is it possible to keep the screen on when charging?

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Sure, a couple different ways. There's a whole page setup for pulsing the LED while charging in Theme Designer.
Drill a tiny hole in your enclosure so you can see the on-board LED while charging, or use a clear fire button
Create a toggle (or field) in Theme Designer. Look at the field below the highlighted one. 

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I definitely appreciate your input but…

I think the consensus would agree, we were hoping to find an option that didn’t require drilling our enclosure. 😀

As for keeping the screen on while plugged in, in my experience that has not worked on two different 250C devices that I have tried. The screen would stay on for a while but ultimately would turn off again. 

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1 час назад, skineedog сказал:

Я думаю, что консенсус согласуется, мы надеялись найти вариант, который не требовал сверления нашего корпуса

Вы должны видеть светодиод, отверстие нужно сделать, В Theme designer, хорошие настройки светодиода, по цвету легко видеть статус заряда


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I have several mods that have a slight space between the fire button and the case where light from the LED can be seen.  Red for charging and Green for charged shows in this space.  If I want to see the charge % all I need to do is click the fire button to turn on the screen...  pretty easy....

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39 minutes ago, retird said:

Если я хочу увидеть заряд%, все, что мне нужно сделать, это нажать кнопку огня, чтобы включить экран ... довольно просто

Лучше нажать любую кнопку навигации или кнопку выбор, при нажатии кнопки огонь происходит мгновенное падение тока заряда


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Wayneo, Zark and Retired, many thanks for your time. It is appreciated. I can see the led fine already but I really want a display where, when it's charging, I can just look over and see the input current and the voltage of each cell without having to interact with the device. It's how I have my 250 set up (apart from the input current). Wayneo, you're a star, I've set up a child screen off of the main screen with the toggle and it works. So thank you for the advice. The only problem now is that the screen stays on but also the led is now also permanently on and is blue. I haven't changed any of the led settings so that should indicate it's firing (it clearly isn't) but is there a way that you can think of to either turn it off or have it set to the pulsating red as in the default profile? It's picky I know but I would prefer to keep the led off then have it on for hours at a time.

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1 hour ago, Jim1 said:

... I can see the led fine already but I really want a display where ...

No can do at this version. That toggle, like @skineedog mentioned will eventually timeout, but its usage would be to toggle on when charging, toggle off when done charigng. If you don't want to see the blue, delete that firing option. But seriously, if you can see the blue glow, you could learn to embrace the pulse while charging, and the green at the end. 

Useless commentary
Do you really needs to "see and read" the input current and the voltage of each cell, or in reality just a casual glance? Or ask yourself, what would or do you do if you see the input current drop from 2A, to 1A, to .4A? or the same for battery voltages slightly imbalanced. I will admit that on my non color mods I glance at the lightning bolt, and rarely at any other field. Anyway, I hope that first paragraph helped.

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Thank you, that has been a great help. I entirely accept what you say in the second paragraph, however, I've found the voltages quite handy in the past and the input current is handy just to  know how fast it will charge. I probably wouldn't do anything if it was charging at 1amp, if it was .4 I might spend the time to find a better charger/charge cable. The same with the voltages, the cells are never exactly the same but if one is at 3.2v and the other two are at 3.8v after a bit of time charging then I know there's a problem which hopefully I can sort out before my commute home. Peace of mind maybe? But it was driving me nuts trying to figure out how to get the screen to stay on so thanks again for the help. 

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9 hours ago, zark said:

Better to press any navigation button or select button, when you press the fire button, there is an instant drop in charge current


I have lock screen time set to a few minutes so mostly if I do want to check charging % the screen is locked  when I click the fire button so there is no drop in charge current. I mostly just watch the LED color though.  

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В 13.02.2021 в 02:56, Jim1 сказал:

Спасибо, это очень помогло. Я полностью согласен с тем, что вы говорите во втором абзаце, однако в прошлом я обнаружил, что напряжения довольно удобны, а входной ток удобен, просто чтобы знать, насколько быстро он будет заряжаться. Я бы, вероятно, ничего не сделал, если бы он заряжался при 1 ампер, если бы он был 0,4, я мог бы потратить время, чтобы найти лучшее зарядное устройство / зарядный кабель. То же самое и с напряжениями, элементы никогда не бывают одинаковыми, но если один из них имеет 3,2 В, а два других - 3,8 В после небольшой зарядки, тогда я знаю, что есть проблема, с которой, надеюсь, я смогу разобраться до того, как поеду домой. . Может быть, душевное спокойствие? Но это сводило меня с ума, пытаясь выяснить, как заставить экран оставаться включенным, так что еще раз спасибо за помощь.

Встроенное зарядное устройство платы DNA близко к совершенству, поэтому достаточно один раз подобрать качественный кабель и внешнее зарядное устройство с подходящим током. Далее ван нужен только цвет и моргание светодиода. Если после зарядки напряжение в аккумуляторах различается более чем на 0.01В, то это проблема с аккумуляторами, и повлиять на это Вы не сможете (разве что воспользуетесь профессиональной зарядной станцией с режимом восстановления аккумуляторов)


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Забыл самое главное, для максимально быстрой и качественной зарядки, необходимо провести тепловой тест корпуса Escribe =>Boxmode=>Thermial=>Case analizer. Тест нужно начинать с опустошенной батареей, в помещении без сильных колебаний температуры


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