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Evolv, will you survive?

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black lace said:

Am i missing a few threads on this or has someone misenterpreted mom&par as a manufacture and likend term of frase to themselves.

From the FDA website:

"If you operate a vape shop that mixes or prepares liquid nicotine or nicotine-containing e-liquids, or creates or modifies any type of ENDS, you are considered a manufacturer"

The green part means Mom and Pop shop that mix ejuice.
The purple part means Modders, anyone who creates a Mod and sells it.
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black lace said:

Am i missing a few threads on this or has someone misenterpreted mom&par as a manufacture and likend term of frase to themselves. what ever it is the whole thread has gone to male hen.

I've been "busy", can I take a break now? 
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Black Lace, it obvious you have not read the regulations or the various summaries on it. Please read that actual new law before challenging us further.

Edited to add: Here is a good link to start with:

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Okay but i know of a few vape shops and internet flavour supply that i would like to have a hand in closing down, being told that a flavour or juice is ""subjective "" when it has clearly been made from fox urin gets no support from me.. and the same goes for pile of rubbish mods, its allways the honest person that has to take it on the chin when the wheels get knocked off the band waggon. Bikker amongst yourselves..

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I don't see Evolv as the sort of company that will ever try to sell "torch power supplies" or similar that also work well for vaping. 

Obviously the FDA regs will encompass the boards, 510s would probably be spares, but I wonder how the will regard CNCed enclosures.  It is a cluster f*** that a short run mod maker would be expected to register even if they we using certified/licensed (not sure which applies here) boards which completely define the function of the finished product.  So unless I get this wrong if the boards and other parts are certified/licensed/whatever you could make mods, but not sell them, how about giving them away?

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VapingBad said:

So unless I get this wrong if the boards and other parts are certified/licensed/whatever you could make mods, but not sell them, how about giving them away?

Laguz75 said:

Giving them away.......that could work and charge $100 for shipping

FDA says:

"Do NOT give away free samples of e-cigarettes or other ENDS, including any of their components or parts"

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black lace said:

[QUOTE=Laguz75]At one time I sold tobacco pipes to a head shop that the pipes where ment for other things but if I called them what there ment for I would get in trouble. Any person who condones crimianl activity is a criminal.

:-) I'll stop talking about it then
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black lace said:

[QUOTE=Laguz75]At one time I sold tobacco pipes to a head shop that the pipes where ment for other things but if I called them what there ment for I would get in trouble.

Any person who condones crimianl activity is a criminal.[/QUOTE]

No, not where we live, not yet anyway, inciting yes if found guilty, condoning no.
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Relevant links of interest Direct from the FDA:

Vaporizers, E-Cigarettes, and other Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS):
Retail Overview: http://www.fda.gov/TobaccoProducts/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Retail/ucm205021.htm
Importing and Exporting: http://www.fda.gov/TobaccoProducts/Labeling/ucm290823.htm

Now, there are an Army of Lawyers pouring over this thing, and I am sure they will find some loopholes here and there, but this is where it stands as of now.

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Laguz75 said:

Ok what ever read my past post. Plus your about to get band mr.23yr old


Sucks to suck.


Why is it when I try to support advocacy everyone feels the need to tell everyone about their secret vape bunker? What about the businesses that will be killed, the livelihoods destroyed, the smokers who can't convert, the people who can't afford gallons of nicotine to store?


Is this seriously not serious to ANY of you? I mean really?


Would you all really sit there and laugh because you think you can turn vaping into a quasi-legal business like 420 headshops? Is that what vaping is? Some hush-hush barely-legal thing? This is about harm reduction, and you people have made it into something completely different. 99% of you don't even care about this, and you people are THE REASON it's even happening.


So screw the smokers who want a viable option to quit, screw the people employed at vape shops bringing home income to feed their kids, screw business owners who are going to lose everything, screw EVERYBODY BUT YOU because lol br0 i g0tz nicz in duh fridg3.


You people are disgusting. Revolting.

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And any coments toward the vape shops id like to see closed down, first put yourself in the shoes of an educated observer. Watching the owners fleece and brainwash wanabee quit smokers start up vapers with sub standard clone mods destined to break and juice made in who knows where containing who knows what.

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If anyone wants to argue and debate the regulations then by all means feel free. If you feel someone is wrong, then provide facts and information to counter their point and add to the conversation. Defaulting to personal attacks adds nothing to the conversation and simply demonstrates you have no counter-argument or facts. I understand we are all a bit upset about things, but fighting with each other over it brings nothing positive to the table.

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MikeTheVapeDude said:

So let's support the FDA and all go back to BT produced vape pens with 300+ carcinogens in them. Great plan.

im still reading the report. But so far there pretty much making it hard for you to sell products with nicotine in it. Nicotine gum would have to be submitted the same as everything else? Well what about fruits and vegetables. Eating it as is not much but people make smoothies and that concentrates it. There's got to be a different approach to this cuz hitting this head on is not working. Any ideals?


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I personally am going to keep an eye on this organization. They have legal teams who will be better poised to give us direction.


"Today, CASAA, SFATA, AEMSA, AVA and NBS have formally announced their coalition to pursue legal and legislative strategies now that the FDA’s final deeming regulations have been released."

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I think if we can just find a way to exempt hardware (RDA's, RTA's, RDTA's, Sub-Ohm Tanks and their coil heads, Unregulated and Regulated Mods, building wires, etc.) from this, we could all be fine. We sell juices as food flavorings with 0 nic, and we buy our own nicotine to add to them. If we could do this, we could survive.

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mikepetro said:

I sincerely hope you are not lumping me in that category Mikhail! I would find it very insulting.

Revised for todays distribution:

I am a 57 year old middle class VOTER.

I was addicted to tobacco most of my life. I firmly believe that switching to ecigs has extended my life by years. Not only does scientific research show that it is 95% less harmful, but my own body (& my physician) tells me that it is less harmful.

Please see the scientific proof here:

Now, through regulation, the FDA is making it much easier to buy tobacco than to obtain a satisfying ecig that works.

I urge you to support the
H.R.2058 - FDA Deeming Authority Clarification Act of 2015

Products that existed before the February 2007 "predicate date" simply did not work, where current generation products DO work. As a result I have been tobacco free for 3.5 years. Please allow me the legal means to stay off of tobacco!

I vote, and I will support politicians who support my right to "harm reduction".

Mike Petro
Good for you, since i stopped smoking and took up vaping i havnt hoiked a single lugie,,, that is grounds enough to take up the fight..
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