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Feature Request: More battery meter flexibility.

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Under theme we can set the battery display to Main, Default, or All screens.  

Main does not displays the meter on any of the theme screens, or profile screens.  This is fine for a minimal display of the battery meter.

Default only displays the battery meter on the default screens.  This is fine if you use them, and just want to eliminate the battery meter from a few of the screens.  

All keeps the battery meter displayed regardless of whatever else the DNA may be doing.  This includes any custom screens used for profiles.

These restrictions are annoying when designing a custom set of screens for the DNA 200, such as those with larger fonts for folks with poor vision.  Your choice is basically limited to displaying the meter on all screens, or just on the main screen.

It would be nice to be able to 'Set as Default' on a per screen basis within a theme to allow the battery meter to be displayed as desired. 

It would be nice to be able to select "'Show' or 'Don't show'  battery meter on custom screens for profiles."  This should be under the 'General' tab, and apply to all profiles for a consistent look.

Here are a custom profile screen, and a custom theme screen showing what I'd like to see:



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I would love to see more customization of the main screen. I have my mod set to 1W increments, so the huge ".0" is a waste of space to me. Also, I know the unit is Watts ... I don't need the huge "W" wasting more space.

With these two customizations, there would be enough space for three battery indicators, one for each cell. This could be extremely helpful identifying battery mismatch issues.


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Id like to see my battery meter be a dynamic live read of the battery kinda like the yihi chips do...show me sag the dna200 should be plenty capable when plugged into escribe in the device monitor is the only time i can see the live voltage reading while taking a puff...ofcourse i'd just like to see how far my batteries sag during the various vaping i'm doing which will also serve as a safety mechanism to tell me when batteries start getting too much sag and are too old for the vape im doing...pls pls give us some battery sag indication. I just dont understand why evolv just totally skipped over that topic when everything else showing on the screen during vaping is live, my voltages my wattage applied as im vaping the resistances all are perfect .....except the battery meter....it's static and just changes with the nominal battery voltages not live...please add that feature to make the meter a live representation of wats going on with the battery(ies).

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I have cell 1 as one of my displays. You can use pack voltage too, but for me I have to divide by 3 or 2 in my head. So I see dynamic reading on all of mine. I do wish the battery level monitored voltage instead of watt hours though. Maybe a toggle could be added through the software.

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Yes i understand but im interested in seeing battery meter/bar in showing me that if you ever fire a ipv D2 or ipv 3/3Li or a yihi sx mini you will notice the battery bar fluctuate as you vape during the vape ..if i wanna get technical yes i can use cell pack for a display but then that takes away my battery %.

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Yes the first comment responded gets what im saying i wanna be able to tell if my batteries handling the build/wattages well or not since this is such a high wattage and low resistance capable mod its a no brainer and is almost must for me....im leaning towards purchasing sx Q class just becuz of this feature and will reconsider for a 133w dna if these things get implemented. Currently using wismecs 3x dna200 mod and loving it.

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valdzyuba said:

Yes the first comment responded gets what im saying i wanna be able to tell if my batteries handling the build/wattages well or not since this is such a high wattage and low resistance capable mod its a no brainer and is almost must for me....im leaning towards purchasing sx Q class just becuz of this feature and will reconsider for a 133w dna if these things get implemented. Currently using wismecs 3x dna200 mod and loving it.

EScribe will show you that info in far far more detail plus you can record it, on the mod you can put the battery pack voltage on the screen which again will be far more accurate than a bar and IIRC updates 4 time a second.
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Youre missing the point i wanna be able to tell how far down to that 2.5V cutoff my batteries are sagging throughout the day im not plugging my mod in everywhere i go yet i do keep an eye on my temps and % battery life while i vape why's is a patented tech or smth i dont get why you cant show the batt pack voltage in a bar icon representation for on the fly idea of how your batteries r performing.

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