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Auto firing, and device shut off for this


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For as safe as this chip wants to be, it doesn't have an auto fire shut off limit? 10 seconds seems more than enough for most people to fire their mod for, but just an amount of time to save a device from melting their atty, or anything attached. Why isn't this implemented?

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Could have sworn it was 15 seconds, it does have on board overheat sensors, so you shouldnt be able to melt the board under normal load.. i dont have a smart arse answer as to how not to dastroy a non temp coil in atty if you pocket fire it... have you blown somthing???

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People are starting to post about the chip "auto firing" and wondering why there isn't a lower cut off time. In 20 seconds you could completely melt the atty down, or have the board get really hot and melt things. Just wondering.

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All Evolv products have had a 20 second cut off back to the Darwin, you are not going to melt anything with temp limiting, the board has it's own temp protection and the battery is protected by the fuse.  I know that leaves Kanthal and Nichrome out, but even with them it is only a risk with a build that naturally takes a lot of power to heat running at power levels to get it to heat quickly that also make it overheat quickly, that is the users choice and they can choose temp mode to remove this risk.

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There is a time limit setting under the Research tab. I never experimented with it though. So I don't know if that is for each puff or total seconds before it won't fire anymore. There might be an undocumented script command too that may be able to set it.

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VapingBad said:

Also there are only a handful of auto firing instances I have read about, IDK how many DNA 200 are out there, but there are 9,500 users on this forum so it seems to be a tiny proportion.

my smoke pro 65 had auto fire protection as it sat in a steel bucket firing or shorted until it killed the Samsung battery with out a atty on it I'll take the fuse any day of the week DNA 200 does not from what I can find auto fire without button sticking or foreign material touching something on the board that it shouldn't. auto fire gets me wound up that's why I own all DNA devices and just stocked up with more


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