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RIP my chip Dna200


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Sorry to hear that allready... youve given us the imformation that its died, can you not tell us the mod its in, the battery your using the atty and coils and coils material,,, also like beffor we'v tried to encourage you to put some pictures up, good pictures spell a thousand words our friend..

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Looks like it sees the battery to me. Although it sees the voltages all wrong. Cell 1 reads 0v. I wouldn't keep the battery in it. As when one of mine was read that low, it drained that cell by 50% in a day. Without a meter, not much else you can do except to contact Evolv.

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jurdanas said:

I connect to charger, he's charging, after 2 hours DNA200 don't see battery. When I "on" BOX-MOD screen flash logo 1 second and "off". With connected to ESCRIBE "DNA 200" run but don't see battery.
I make recovery, update - don't help.

can you take pictures of the board, front and back? picture of your balance wires soldering. i want to see your soldering.

in escribe, under manufacturers settings you have 3 CELL and LITHIUM POLYMER selected and uploaded to your dna200?

test fuse for continuity with multi meter.
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jurdanas said:

No good word [nono]
No good talk [nono]
I tried 3 18650 new sony VTC 4, and 3 LiPo 3S at 950mA, 1000mA and 1300mA, all new.
Becomes the same.
A lot of talk does not mean a lot to know [nono]

Yeh you dont say mate.. As well as obscuring the poped fuse with a bit of rag, You know youve burnt the charger out because of poor quality aparalall..
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"black lace"

I bad speak English.
I dont understand anything. Sorry.


I had the 2S versions - dont work.
I create 3S options - dont work.
Updating - dont work.
Reset - dont work.
I tried 3 18650 new sony VTC 4, and 3 LiPo 3S at 950mA, 1000mA and 1300mA, all new - dont work.

My test with multimeter battery connections:
GND + 1 = 0-200-0 ohm (bad)
GND + 2 = 0 ohm
GND + 3 = 0 ohm
1 + 2 = 0 ohm
2 + 3 = 0 ohm

I think presume that the battery management chip damaged, placed near the USB port.
Me helped: https://forum.evolvapor.com/topic/66911-topic/
I read a lot (many), I try to do, checking. I know what's electronics, soldering, fuse....
I write very little.
Before you post here I first check everything and then write post.

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dwcraig1 said:

Please add what you have been using for a charger, is it the same charger that was used on both boards?

SONY 850mA and from "7'-pad" 2100 mA.
They are used for 4 years, they are the good. They can load charge only norml or slower.
I dont push in 110/220V ;)

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