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Tuglyfe DNA200 Acting Really Strange Hot USB Port


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So I've had this Tugboat DNA200 for about two months I got it secondhand. I had an issue where my resistance was literally doubling so example my resistance would be .23 and the DNA200 would read it as .36+ sometimes going to .40 with a kanthal fused Clapton build. I fixed that with the internal resistance of the mod in escribe... I have it set to .12 and that gives me a perfect reading however that seems really high and now whenever I press the fire button I can feel the bottom corner of the mod heating up right where the micro USB port is, like it gets hot but cools down rather quickly. It just seems weird to me and want to fix this. Flawless said they could fix my initial problem for $100 and they failed to even mention mod internal resistance and I really don't want to deal with them to be honest.

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The center pin on the 510 seems good, nice and springy but not overly soft. This mods been a nightmare honestly... I even popped it open and looked at the 510 on my initial problem and it looked fine to me. Note: idk if that is the actual resistance, I tried the normal .007 and it still didn't read or perform correctly, I read on another forum that a guy with the same problem had an IR of .12 and it fixed his problem. I just don't have a calibration tool atm

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They are using the box as ground. Sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn't. You could loosen the 510 and clean up where the nut grabs the box. Then check the screws on the board. At least one should have a good ground to the box. Or you can add a ground wire to the 510.

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My bottom screw near the up and down buttons heats up as I press the fire button. The mod works great in just a little worried as to why a screw is heating up lol. That must be the ground. Love the box and hate to trash it but the thing is a nightmare.

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You might loosen and re-tighten the screws holding the board.  The ground travels thru the screw. Also the ground gets to the 510 thru the screws holding the two enclosure cases together.  Heating of any screw may indicate poor contact thus poor ground...

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OK... from your first post:   I fixed that with the internal resistance of the mod in escribe... I have it set to .12 and that gives me a perfect reading however that seems really high and now whenever I press the fire button I can feel the bottom corner of the mod heating up right where the micro USB port is, like it gets hot but cools down rather quickly.

How did you arrive at a resistance setting of 0.12?  Did you use an atty "tool" to measure internal resistance?  Most resistances I see and use are around the 0.004 to 0.006 range...

You might consider a ground wire from the board to the 510 also...

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A ran across a similar problem on a Ecf thread and I plugged the number in and it fixed my issue. I want to actually get that tested today since I'm at my shop. I do not have a tool tho And here is all flawless had to say.. "Unfortunately with the mod being opened you voided the warranty" I figured that much but couldn't answer my initial question or even guide me to someone who could? Maybe even just tech support or cs. Flawless you aren't so flawless

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Even a copper or brass bar in the 510 will get you a reasonable mod res measurement 0.12 ohm is way way too high IMO https://forum.evolvapor.com/topic/65594-topic/?do=findComment&comment=886226 .  Is that screw taking more of the ground current somehow, maybe there is anodising that is causing the ground path to take the long route.

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Thanks all for the help it means a lot. So I cleaned every single screw in some takaa vodka and put everything back together and no more hot screw like at all. And now my resistance is cut in half so I think if I can find the mod Internal resistance my problems will be solved. The screws were dirty that held the case together and the screws that held the board on we're a little lookse in my opinion so that issue seems to be fixed. I think that's why the resistance was so off. Shouldn't it be around like .007

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I got a internal resistance read of .008 after all the cleaning, the ohm reading is spot on with a USA ohm reader and no more hot screw. Maybe it just needed that deep cleaning and I did a little work with moving the wiring and connections so everything looked cleaner and how it should have been its reading a .27 ohm cool in my tornado tank which is spot on with everything else I own and it seems to be giving the perfect amount of power.

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I think I'm gonna install a ground wire but in the mean time just keep everything clean. I'm a mech guy so I keep my tubes clean, I just thought to clean the screws and all and it worked. Dropped my internal resistance well pretty far down lol. Thank dude! You have a good day I'll report back if I have any problems or guidance on that ground wire

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