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Titanium wire on the DNA200


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If you haven't tried using Ti wire on your DNA200 or even used Ti at all your missing out you gotta try it. Ti can be used in straight fire mode or in temp mode without having to change your coils out or swap attys. 

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Significant titanium oxide will form at high temperatures, in excess of 800F.  Vaping at that temperature would be, basically, impossible whether in temperature or wattage modes.  Additionally, the one case of cancer "caused" by titanium oxide occurred in a person who worked in an atmosphere laden with TiO2 for years, about 20 if I remember correctly.  One thing ignored in the reports of that incident, usually, is that the person was also a heavy cigarette smoker.

I use titanium wire, exclusively, for coils and am completely confident is safe as I use it.  Everyone is certainly free to draw their own conclusions and act accordingly.  Do your own  research.  Reports from experts are always the best source of information.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried ss after using titanium for a year past 6 months DNA 200 right here right now if you are using anything other than DNA 200 missing out in my opinion with the exception of DNA 75 SS I want so bad to be able to clean my coils that's the only reason I even look at ss over titanium for me it is great I disagree on firing in any mode . NOT good and will destroy a titanium build not to mention some say it's not good for you .wicked right cleaned right and spaced .1ohms titanium build is my favorite 24 GA great flavor every time I use it .The only time I look at my atty to see what's wrong 99% of the time I forgot to turn the juice on or the tank is empty no burnt hit no burnt cotton just no vapor add juice or just turn on juice flow good to go and now I own a boresa if juice is off air flow is off that makes hard to miss

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  Wayneo said:

From all the information I've read, Titanium should only ever be used with Temp Control. I believe if it's overheated it may be toxic due to TiO2 production.


Eh NO! Not true .. like at all. First, temperatures for TiO2 production would not only ignite your Ejuice into flames it would be more like a Flamethrower and 3rd degree burns as a result. Second, like with any of the 'common' metals, even Ni200, IF you know Heat Coefficient ie the W/mm^2 then you can adjust the wattage (voltage) appropriately.

I see all sorts of WRONG information being passed around about Titanium. Titamium is the SAFEST metal for TC vaping and IF you can calculate the H.C. (W/mm^2) its still the safest. Actually Platinum is the safest (Noble metal with no oxidation) but at a cost of around $40-$60 per single coil extraordinarily expensive. 

SS3XXX is an alloy of Nickle, Chromium and other metals which even in TC leach from the metals. Further, since the TCR/TFR curve is so flat, the temperatures oscillate all over the place, and accurate TC is nearly impossible. Never mind that most SAE 'SS316L' is a close approximation from a Chinese GB standard derivative. 

Safety, perhaps the biggest hazard is temperatures exceeding >536 F where VG (glycerol) breaks down to Acrolein. 

For any serious TC user I strongly recommend they purchase their own Multimeter with a Thermal probe. You can find them for under $60 USD and IMO for the money a Klein Tools Multimeter; eg Home Depot has kits with a probe.

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i love titanium its my favorite wire to date though i have tried it without temp control i like it better in temp control. im using the seminole g24 with a titanium alien coil in it 26/32 gauge and it rocks at 430F 50w comes out at .10 but it drains my 1300 turnigy fast. i have tried some ss 316 alien coils 26/30g and some (dirty) 316/304 ss 26/34g and by far titanium coil taste better

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I'm another titanium TC fan, quite happy with pairs of 26g/32g claptons, fused parallels and single spaced 0.6mm in subtank RBAs.
Haven't intentionally tried without TC but having mistaken contact coils in a dripper for nichrome its given a decent vape. More of a **** that warmed up quickly...Doh the resistance is rising.....

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