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I bought 2 VT133s within a week. The second one stopped working after less than 24 hours. Sent it in. The daughter board was defective and it took about 3 weeks to a month to get it back. When I recieved it I immediately noticed the down key was broken which it wasn't when I last had it. It gets stuck and takes some pressure to release it. Help Desk says to send it back again. I asked if it was possible to refund it and since they don't make mods they said no, just send it back again. They also didn't comment on how to get a refund from HCigar or how to contact them (no response from their email.) Now, about a week later the first one will not fire anything. Either ohms too low or check atomizer. Atomizer Analyzer says "?". I'm at the end of my rope. I can't afford to keep sending them back just for them to break again. I actually bought them to replace my old mods (now dead) and had to buy a hohmwrecker because I needed a mod while one was gone and I knew this would happen. Just cut my losses and move on or is there something I can do? Me and my wife both need a working mod and between these two we don't have one. Sure the silver one works but it's very annoying to deal with everytime you pocket it. Strike that...now both are inoperable.

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It seems your vendor is willing to work with you so you might just send both devices back for repair or replacement.  It sounds like your issues are not related to the Evolv circuit board. If you feel the issues are with Evolv's board you can fill out a ticket with Evolv explaining the problems and they will reply back to you.  


I also saw that this vendor states that HCigar warranty's are handled by Evolv BUT only Evolv can verify that for certain. You might ask them if you file a ticket.  


You could also contact HCigar at:


As a side note: It is always advisable to have a back-up device should your main squeeze quit working.

Good luck....

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If you have some spray silicon lube around, spray some on a solid surface, piece of cardboard, and use a tooth pick to put a tiny amount around the button(s) that are sticking.  Just be careful to use as little as possible, it's easy to add more but too much might not be good for the board.  I had a handbuilt mod that was sticking with the down button and that trick worked fine and is still working fine after a year (probably worn in by now).

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retird said:

It seems your vendor is willing to work with you so you might just send both devices back for repair or replacement.  It sounds like your issues are not related to the Evolv circuit board. If you feel the issues are with Evolv's board you can fill out a ticket with Evolv explaining the problems and they will reply back to you.  


I also saw that this vendor states that HCigar warranty's are handled by Evolv BUT only Evolv can verify that for certain. You might ask them if you file a ticket.  


You could also contact HCigar at:


As a side note: It is always advisable to have a back-up device should your main squeeze quit working.

Good luck....

EVolv were the ones that sent it back with a broken down key. The vendor was VAPENW which doesn't do refunds or replacements...I can see why. The daughter board from HCigar is under the batteries. I'm pretty sure the fact that they will not fire is the DNA chip isn't it? I think Help Desk is tired of messing with me because they didn't respond today. They sent me an RMA form but that was for the second one. I'm not sure if I can send both in on the same form. I'll probably do it any way. It's either that or the trash. And about fixing the sticking button...it won't even fire any more so it's moot. Thanks guys...I'll also try contacting HCigar. They didn't respond to the adress on their hompage.
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I haven't had a response in almost 3 days now...same device, same vendor...discouraging, but I'm optimistic it will be resolved.

Good luck to you, and me! ;-)

Edit for clarity: I haven't had a response from Nick in 3 days after my initial ticket 6 days ago, when he asked for the Cell pack voltages which I responded to 9 minutes after he asked ;-) 

Still optimistic though :D

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@whiteowl84 ....  They should get back with you and @so619Cal.  I filed a ticket on Wednesday and received a reply yesterday.  Don't know what all the daughter board does.  Some devices with daughter boards have or control auxiliary switches, and other things. Can't say for sure, when it's not firing, that it's the board.  What do you mean "it won't fire"?  When you press the fire button I thought you said you were getting messages like ohm's too low or check atomizer. The atty won't fire but those messages mean something was detected and until that is corrected it's not going to fire. That can be many things not board related.  

At any rate Evolv will get-er-done.... Best company I've ever dealt with when it comes to Customer Service.

(short rank, not aimed at you guys) I really have to bite my tongue when someone tries to bash Evolv on other forums and facebook site and they immediately, without even doing any troubleshooting, say the board is bad. (short rant concluded) 

Evolv's datasheets has a list of the error messages and an explanation of what that error may mean.

Please keep us updated on your progress guys....  :) 

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Both are saying ohms too low or check atomizer. Thus they will not fire. When I use Atomizer Analyzer it gives me a question mark. I've had both fire staple coils that read 0.07 ohm and my current builds are 0.12-0.08 ohm. I realize they will fix them but so far I'm $210 in the hole for 2 mods that don't work plus the cost of the G2 to fill in the gaps. I wish I had just saved up and gotten a couple parallel mechs. And I waited 4 or 5 days to get my first response. I was panicking. Lol. And I don't feel like that was aimed at me. I haven't bashed evolv and I'm a really advanced builder. I bought these mods for staples and quad core aliens. The only thing that's changed it the fact that they won't fire builds that they did a few days ago. =(

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Don't worry about Atty analyser showing ? with a dead short, it has done that for the last few fw updates.  If I were you I would back up to a more simple reliable coils like single coil Ni or Ti and confirm that works.  SS has such a low TCR and because it is an alloy that TCR can vary a lot which can overload your diagnostics with too many variables, I use StealthVapes SS316L and it is hassle free.  Though I find that with multi strand builds sometimes it takes a bit more tourque on the coil screws to ensure all strands have a first class connection, I don't often use claptons etc as I feel they are just going to be much harder work in that respect (and a PITA to clean).

Ohms too low can be from low battery or poor battery connection, like I said maybe a good time to do a simple Ni or Ti single coil to confirm it works then address your issues one at a time.

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Dead short? There's no dead short happening. These are the same staples I've been firing for weeks now. I don't have any ni200 or Ti. I don't really like TC but when I do use it it's 316l. If I can't dry burn it I can't use it. Since I got my G2 I only use it for TC. Pretty cool to TC an n80 staple coil. It's not dead, it's just not usable. I'll just have to send them in but I don't know if I need 2 RMA forms or if I can just toss them in together. I've had nothing but problems out of them but if Evolv can fix them this time I'd be happy. I really wish HCigar would give me my money back.

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Heck, when Evolv gets back to you on the latest ticket submitted why not package them up together and ship them.  You can print another RMA form and have it filled out and ready. Evolv assigns a Tracking ID and a Ticket Number for each ticket. You also need to comment on each RMA form what the issue is with that device. It would help to also list the serial number of the dna board on the RMA form so they will know which device goes with which RMA.

Wondering.... at what wattage do you dry burn your coils and for how long?

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That's what I was getting at. I don't have multiple tickets. I'm still talking to the same guy from before I sent in the first device. If he hasn't gotten back to me by Monday I'll start a new ticket and explain my situation. I vape at 130w or so and dry burn at the same. It takes several seconds to burn through the gunk. Once the coils are glowing in the middle I brush them with a brass brush. With most of my coils 100w makes for a 4 or 5 second wait before any vapor is produced. I do what I can to keep the mass down...I'd like to use less power but over powering gives me better battery life than waiting for the ramp up.

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