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Latest SP seems to have bricked my VT166

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I don't think it will auto-update your firmware but will place a notification in EScribe that there is an update available. 

Here is a link to an early tutorial that is helpful.  A lot has been updated since this video but you can get a lot of "how to use EScribe" from it if you want to view it.


Here is a users manual that is a bit dated also and a lot has changed but may be helpful:




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  retird said:

Your SP5 firmware is almost the latest SP so I would use it for now and go ahead and do your custom screens. You are concerned that SP5a on the device may cause you issues so why not use the device for a while first.    The SP5a pack addresses the following of which you may not have issues with anyway:

On the device side:
- DNA 200 and DNA 250 no longer lose the battery meter on startup sometimes.
- Calibration values have been improved slightly for newer DNA 200s and DNA 250s. (More accurate USB Voltage, mainly.)
- Temperature Protected and other messages now show the correct number of flashes again.
- Some VaporShark DNA 200s would reset charging when above 0.8A with 1.2 SP3 and 1.2 SP4. They now charge at full speed.

Yes what Retird said as some of you know I have had some problems with boards DNA 200 well I got to agree with above post lattest up date is the only way to go. I received a couple DNA 250 to try in my Opus Mods one gave me problems right off the get go running cells down to low and was replaced .well that was the beginning of a new and so far BIG game changer my Opus and the DNA 250 is the best thing since sliced bread the charging is fast and my Lipo cells stay even I raised my soft cell cut off and using sp 5 no problems at all .I use my Mod a lot and in a wide range of conditions hot cold. I do keep a eye on temperature not so much for the board but I do not like my Lipo getting to warm above 120 D F I believe the charger starts cutting back at 130 degrees Fahrenheit wish I could lower that but the DNA 250 is a very good board and so is the. Operating system
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My vapedroid c2d1 also just bricked by sp5.2, updated a week ago.

So what should I do, I suppose you dont want all affected devices rma'd to you? Especially as it hopefully is a sw problem ...

lg hg2
noticed problem after taking of charger (2A capable)
changed to known good batteries, checked on a dna200
hard reset
soft reset
reflash sw
restore defaults

device monitor shows
- 5.05v on batt2 with both batteries present
- 2.78v on batt2 with right battery only
- 2.26v on batt2 with left battery only

without usb it shows bootlogo1 (sbody) while pressing fire, otherwise dead.


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hum.... you might fill out a ticket and explain the issue and let Evolv guide you.... yours ran a week after update then quit..... may be hardware issue??

@mustave posted earlier about 1_2_SP5 and said this "  Beginning to suspect I have a hardware issue and the firmware upgrade was sort of coincidental. But I'm now in email communication with Evolv and we shall see".

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IMG_0384-20-01-17-08-56.jpg  IMG_0386-20-01-17-08-56.jpg 

I have same problem with Therion DNA166 from box. I have inserted batteries and see blinking logo Lost Vape when push the fire bottom. If I press bottom longer the second I see «check battery» and logo of empty battery. Installing SP5, restoring defaults, using another part of batteries does not help. If I try to do hard or soft reset in Escribe it says «Hard/soft reboot command issued» and nothing happen. Device Monitor in Escribe shows in Cell 1: 0,01V, in Cell 2: 5,20V.

I don’t know what to do. Please help.

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  olegasan said:

IMG_0384-20-01-17-08-56.jpg  IMG_0386-20-01-17-08-56.jpg 

I have same problem with Therion DNA166 from box. I have inserted batteries and see blinking logo Lost Vape when push the fire bottom. If I press bottom longer the second I see «check battery» and logo of empty battery. Installing SP5, restoring defaults, using another part of batteries does not help. If I try to do hard or soft reset in Escribe it says «Hard/soft reboot command issued» and nothing happen. Device Monitor in Escribe shows in Cell 1: 0,01V, in Cell 2: 5,20V.

I don’t know what to do. Please help.

just checking 5.2 volts on cell 2 or pack should be max 4.2 per cell no less than 3.2 with pack between 6.5 and 8 volts using two 18650 edit or two cell
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EDMKEV, my mod had those issues from the box. I have received parcel with mod tomorrow.

giz_60, I recognized those issues and then updated to the newest firmware and check battery settings in Escribe. But it does not help.

Modbustersecig , in my battery charger every my battery shows 4,2V 

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Wow i cant believe that..hopefully these guys can figure something out, I'm baffled that it came that way out of box though since i bought my mod just about a week ago and my VT167 is fairly new as it was programmed in late December by evolv before being sent to H Cigar i guess.. Guess it was just bad luck yours came like that

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  olegasan said:

IMG_0384-20-01-17-08-56.jpg  IMG_0386-20-01-17-08-56.jpg 

I have same problem with Therion DNA166 from box. I have inserted batteries and see blinking logo Lost Vape when push the fire bottom. If I press bottom longer the second I see «check battery» and logo of empty battery. Installing SP5, restoring defaults, using another part of batteries does not help. If I try to do hard or soft reset in Escribe it says «Hard/soft reboot command issued» and nothing happen. Device Monitor in Escribe shows in Cell 1: 0,01V, in Cell 2: 5,20V.

I don’t know what to do. Please help.


I had same problem with my new Therion DNA166 and then I figured out that it was configured for 3 cells instead of 2, now it's working as charm :)
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ya try the above, i once had the VT133 and i guess it had changed from 3 battery from 2 battery, and the mod would flash on for second and stop working
put it back onto Escribe and changed it back to 2 battery configuration and it started working perfect again..

but i believe i read in one of the Escribe updates or SP's that they had fixed that problem..not positive but worth a try!

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@olegasan..... what is the voltage at the + and - input at the DNA board when you check it with a meter?  Device Monitor shows it just above 5 volts. What is the voltage coming out of the battery sled measured with a meter?  You are getting a check battery message when you hold the fire button...

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