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    Yoshi Heffetz
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  • What DNA product do you own or plan to buy?
    Own dna75 and dna200 might buy 250

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  1. use the gothic theme as a base and you wont have any of this questions after messing with the theme to your liking for like a month, worth it tho, now escribe I only need for updates everything else is in that chip... still frustrated evolv didn't make the 250C read to 0.00001X but I guess that leaves it for the next chip, that increase in accurate resistance reading should enable tc-ka.
  2. open a ticket with evolve, personally ive sent them a dna200 a 75 and a 250 for repairs, never been a hastle, that's one of the reasons you buy a DNA to begin with, warranty and costumer service.
  3. Run the case thermals, that really messes up with TC on extreme weather if it's not calibrated, I use TC mostly aswell so I calibrate them all, run your cells to 25% then run case analyzer and TC should be solid and stable afterwards.
  4. It pretty much controls the “warmth” of the vape. Ie in the 250C if you go from TC to replay, the warmth level will change the peak temperature it replays, from watts it applies slightly more voltage than the saved puff. If you want a warmer than you saved puff, you increase it otherwise pull it lower. I guess with the DNA go, you would need device monitor to see the changes in the vape when changing the warmth. I usually use it to get to higher temps by saving then replaying stop puff and saving again the power/temp increases as it is now replaying a boosted hit.
  5. Sp35 this is the THIRD time, luckily I took a picture this time. theme is working fine.
  6. It’s for the dna250c, last firmware I knew of was the watt boost for that generation of chips, I don’t see how you could add replay to a non colour board.
  7. There is no temp ceiling for replay, that is why high wattage vapers like it. You could be vaping at 800F and it would play it over and over. Technically there is no limit and it WILL replay a burnt hit so it’s down to the user to find the spot and save it. It’s quite annoying sometimes. Switching it from tc into replay is the most inaccurate “replay” tho, you can tell by the monitor how each puff is slightly different when you are recording the temperature and the curve slightly different each time. Too little to notice without the monitor tho.
  8. It’s an rta, mesh is definitely stainless steel, it’s at 0.13ohms Vandy Vape 150 and 200 micron rolls ss316l . Won’t work with either. Have to get the puff from cold then save and do it again because if I fire it from cold on replay it burns, it’s a prototype so it’s not in the market yet. Edit:it’s on the latest firmware.
  9. I encountered an error I woke up and went to vape (finder dna250c) and when I clicked fire it said error then a number (sorry I don't remember and I didn't take a picture) after clicking again the message disappeared, it has yet to show up again so I can take a picture, I don't know what triggered it or what it was. sp17. sorry I can't be of more help, but I did catch that white sceen with error, that had not showed up prior to the sp17. also I had to delete two screens from my themes to CHANGE a wire slot, I don't know how that happened.
  10. I had a different problem, I got some 317l wire in and went to remove the ss430 profile to add the 317l profile, said out of space, on both finder and paranormal. I had gone an installed another theme but that theme had no way of enabling and disabling replay on the theme so I created a screen for it and an icon to lead to that screen, no matter what the icon would not become highlighted and others with the same conditions did. So I came here to get the "light" version, the lock screen sequence programming does not even work in the them so I deleted that and I had created a link to the about screen since that was lacking too, deleted that aswell. now the theme is working.
  11. Installed in windows 10 intl version. It prompted that there was a new service pack for the dna250c finder and paranormal. Haven’t noticed a difference though. Replay is having a hard time with ss mesh. It will save the puff, let it rest for 5 minutes and it gives a sorching hot hit, only way to make it work is to find the perfect puff every time you pick it up. Quite hot on tc as well. Ss316l 150/200 mesh
  12. Check if you have a short and that your leads are tightened.
  13. Check your battery CSV I have both my dna250c set to display voltage, I don't bother with %, but your gauge is dependant on your battery csv also if you set it to maximize recharges it should not go over 8.2v for 2s 12.3v for 3s.. (~92-94%)
  14. Alright for reference my numbers are constant cooling: 261.5s constant heating: 174.67s case static: 0C case USB connect: 0C case USB charge: 2.73 c/a
  15. For some reason I got way different thermals when I ran mine. Dunno why. Should I stick to the ones I got or use this ones? (Mine is like half the values) mines is the ss version could that change?
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