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steamer861 last won the day on May 12 2019

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    30,40,60,75 200,250 75c,250c

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  1. Try a Hard Reboot with E-Scribe, If that don't work, your screens days are probably numbered :(
  2. Does anyone know the exact size of the board mount screws on the ERM?
  3. Every time this happens to Me it's a resistance issue. Some were between the board & the coil there is some kind of fault causing an improper resistance read by the board. Agree with all your points I to us Ti in TC & keeping the resistance reading perfectly can some times be a challenge. A gunky coil a loose retaining screw even a dirty 510 can all cause resistance issues, causing a weak hit (Throttling or Hitting Temp Control)
  4. Throttling or hitting temp control, is Not! a board issue. It is a wicking or a coil resistance issue. Try a different atty or coil, your board should be fine
  5. Thanks for the response I'm fairly certain this isn't a liquid damage issue, I'v had several DNA's die from that before & it's usually via the USB, the boards are quite resilient to Liquid accept for the USB port. My BB is an older one with no USB. Like I said I had a Good Look around inside. No evidence of enough liquid to do any damage. Is there a point/s on the board were I could check with a Multi Meter to see if it was drawing at idle when it shouldn't be?
  6. Hi All So I have a 2017 BB (authentic No USB), have had it for quite a while now with out any issues, until recently About a week ago after not hitting the BB for a good spell I found the battery completely dead! So much so that it was toast & could not be revived I removed the front & back cover to find nothing visibly wrong, no massive juice spills or bad wires. I cleaned every thing inside with a qTip & iso & replaced the covers. I started to keep an eye on it & found it will completely drain the battery to 3.6 volts in a few days with out hitting it at all! So it's obvious to me that some thing has gone wrong. My question is if I open it & hook up a usb to it & it to E-Scribe is there any thing I could look for in Device Monitor to give a hint at what could have went wrong? Or is there some other way to check for a battery drain? maybe with a multi meter? I do have a spare 60 & could replace it if need be, But I'd like that to be my last option.
  7. I upgraded these old Hana box's. I found a 3D printed sled at Shapeways & fitted the box with a 20700! It fit perfect with no mods to the case at all! Battery life is great with the Sanyo B I wanted to upgrade the door from screws to magnets, but never got around to it
  8. I'm also interested in the CSV file for dual 20700 Ijoy's. Anyone?
  9. This is a known issue! I'v had several go white. If you do a Hard Reboot in E-Scribe it should come back, temporarily. Unlike the old days were if the bend in the ribbon wasn't just rite, the screen could malfunction, the colour screen mods mostly have nice screen cradles that keep every thing in place nicely
  10. I just updated to Mojave 10.14 & E-Scribe does not work any more :( Is there an update coming?
  11. It is unfortunate that we are having these screen issues I do sympathize with Evolv on this issue, I'm fairly certain they (Evolv) out source these screens? When there is a failure, Evolv is stuck with the repercussions Reminds me of my 1992 Sonoma, It was all ways back at the dealership being fixed under warranty, every time it was cheep "Mexican" Part that had failed
  12. Is anyone having as many colour screen issues as Me? I have had 3 colour screen failures in the last few months :( I had 2 screens get the White Screen of Death & now I have some spot that is growing, it will take over the whole screen in no time :( Kind of Disappointed :(
  13. For those of you's who may be looking to build a more pocket friendly sized, lipo powered 250c mod. This may be a solution for you I built this mod with a silo75c enclosure https://www.protovapor.com/product/silo-dna-75c-billet-aluminum-dna-mod-case/ a source 510 & a FullyMax 950mAH lipo. This enclosure was intended for a 75c! So with out some internal modification a 250c will NOT! fit. The main issue is the space for the chip, as the 250c is 2mm wider. The button fitment & usb fit perfectly, once you remove the extra material for the chip to fit in place. I used a dremel, & it was a lot of work! If some one has access to a milling machine it would be a piece of cake Also note, space management gave me a choice of a better quality 510 (source) or an xt30 connector. I choose the live battery connection & the better 510. If how ever you would choose a Varitube 510, there would be adequate room for an xt30 battery connector See size comparison to a Silo 950, older dna 250, but same size battery
  14. Well, it seems some of these screen are infact defective I'm glad spares were offered in the last group buy "better to have & not need" Even if Evolv was nice enough to replace them? shipping from Canada cost more than the screen
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