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Everything posted by mikepetro

  1. Hmmm, atty concept akin to a 3-wire RTD. A separate 3rd length of wire, to use for temp compensation. Hmmmm, maybe a new generation of atty for future Temp boards.
  2. Thanks Mamu. Yes, replacing that onboard fuse would be a major PITA. Basicly a user would have to send the Mod back to me as most wont have the capability. Would love to find a PTC or similar that was rated 2 amps lower than the onboard fuse. Not much play there though, onboard fuse is rated for 25A and input requirement as high as 23A. Maybe a 20A rating, as I doubt a 12v 23A fuse will be found.
  3. There goes the neighborhood........
  4. @Alexander Mundy, you probably saw it in my thread, I know I mentioned it anyway.
  5. Too bad you are so far away, I have a solid background (and meet all your listed requirements except Solidworks) for the Automation Engineer position. I am not interested in relocating though, unless its to the coast.
  6. Considering there is an onboard fuse on the DNA200, is it still recommended to fuse the LIPO? And if so, what does Evolv recommend?
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