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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Should be about 18 milliamps active, 3.5 milliamps refining, and 25 microamps sleeping.
  2. Have heard a number of stories from suppliers but it seems that the supply chain is temporarily overwhelmed. No worries we'll figure it out. We knew there was a shortage back in July and have been working diligently to source wider ever since. It's not just us, it seems to be everyone using small oleds.
  3. No, it won't fix it but it will keep your batteries from draining to the level that they will need a recovery charge again.
  4. Please update your firmware to a more recent version. I believe your opus is running 6/26 which is quite old and explains the drained batts. I've spoken with Roger and he is now shipping with 8/21 firmware.
  5. Yeah, it sounds like those 2 are having trouble making a solid connection. I spoke with their tech support a few minutes ago and made them aware. The problem really resides in the lack of a standard 510 connector spec industry wide. Edit: for clarification
  6. Open a ticket and send it in, we'll replace it.
  7. Sounds like an increasingly poor mechanical connection. Did you check the VS's center pin? I've had mine stick down before but that's likely due to the fact that I'm a sloppy dripper. I also noticed that their 510 connector is quite deep, perhaps the atty you are using is just barely able to reach the center pin. Check it in atomizer analyzer.
  8. That would indicate a short in the USB. Drop a support ticket in on our site.
  9. I would expect to see weak battery at about 10.9 resting voltage. Record the individual cell voltages while vaping at 100 watts and see if they are getting down to 3.09 under load. The Hana JST connector isn't doing you any favors either at that wattage.
  10. Couple of things: -The 3.8v in the curve is the at rest voltage, not the under load voltage that corresponds to that at rest voltage. a battery at rest at 3.8v may sag to 3.09v under load. The batteries that we use in the reference fall off a cliff after about 3.7v. The fact that you are using a Hana Mod with a JST connector is likely accounting for the extra 0.1v of drop. -Make sure you are running the newest firmware as a slight adjustment was made to the analyzer.
  11. No extension that I know of. I know that Vaporshark commissioned one for their 200 but I don't think it is available to consumers. I May be wrong but my guess is it is not.
  12. Interesting, put in a helpdesk ticket and we'll have a look.
  13. Honestly, we're still working through the details and cost but it looks as though we'll offer both.
  14. Here is a link to the Omron Datasheet. It is model number B3SL-1002P.
  15. Scoopy, you don't need 4 resistors. One will suffice for running the battery analyzer. We are using 4 as we do a lot of testing 200 watts.
  16. [QUOTE=digatel]Quote: John, how will I know when these are ready? I live in Sandusky, Ohio (Cedar Point), so I will gladly drive to you to pick one of these up when the time comes![/QUOTE] Soon, very soon.
  17. Mawsley, do you still have the mod? What you are seeing is a badly imbalanced battery and not an errant resistor. The DNA 200 will refuse to charge if the imbalance is too great. If you still have it, I'd like you to try a few things.
  18. Hi Robert, I think that may be a typo or just plain nonsense. From the pictures I saw of the pack, it is a standard 3 cell Li-PO and an under load cut off of 3.09 should be fine. 3.2v would probably extend the batteries life a bit but 3.6v seems high.
  19. And the onboard buttons are rated to 100,000 operations minimum.
  20. We use waterproof Omron buttons (IP67) on the 200. Rather than remove the buttons, you could remove the button enclosure and rubber actuator which would be easier and protect against accidental button presses.
  21. It is a 510 grounding issue in the V200. Running a wire between the 'Out' pad to the negative side of the 510 connector should clear the issue. Or you could send it back and let Hana do it.
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