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Posts posted by dwcraig1

  1. By using Device Monitor in EScribe you will be able to see the standing voltage and voltage under load of the cells when firing.
    It be good if you could post what they are.
    There could very well be a problem with the connection between the batteries and battery contacts or perhaps with the cells themselves.

  2. 2005LGTL said:

    I have a very simple 14 wrap single coil with 20 ga wire. Im getting an issue where the coil is heating from the outside and a one or two coils on the middle right are not getting hot until a few seconds later. I took a short video of it happening. The coil seems even to me. What could i be doing wrong here? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_gWZS7t5hHkM2lGLVR6OHZ5Rkk/view?usp=docslist_api

    My guess is that the dark ones are shorting to each other.
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