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Everything posted by retird

  1. From the 3 screenshots the preheat is working. You can see that the wattage settings 10 watts doesn't get you to the set temp of 230, the 30 watts almost gets you to the set temp of 230 and thew wattage setting of 75 easily gets you to the set temp. Preheat, as you know is the green lines on the graph.... As @giz_60 said earlier.... "because at 10w power, the board is not seeing enough temperature rise".....
  2. @inteks.... in your example... " i made a profile with temp at 230° and 10w and 75w preheat for 5sec. and it stays cold. what is wrong?" What do you get when you keep the same settings except increase the wattage from 10 watts to say 30 or 40 watts?
  3. hum.... you might contact Lost Vape or the person you got it from....I've ran out of choices... sounds like issue with device/board or build that you won't be able to fix. Lost Vapes Repair Center.... link below (not sure if they have a repair center outside the USA) http://www.lostvaperepaircenter.com/
  4. Going off-line till tomorrow.... will read any posts you put up when I return... maybe others will pop in and help as needed in the interim...
  5. What happens when you run EScribe with the device plugged in...does the device show up in EScribe and can you open Device Monitor?
  6. OK uninstall EScribe and when you reinstall it make sure that you have "drivers" selected in the options before you start the install. You may not have installed the drivers when you installed EScribe.
  7. OK.... I took three of my Samsung USB cables (S3, S4, and Note 5) and they all worked just fine with EScribe. I've only a couple other questions. What version of EScribe are you using and what language, and where did you download it from? Have you got more than one USB connection on your computer and you tried using each one of them?
  8. If it is too low you need EScribe or an external balancing battery charger capable of doing a recovery charge process. Lets try something.... With no usb cable hooked up to the computer start EScribe.... When EScribe comes up click on Evolv DNA200 in the left column. When the DNA200 screen comes up then plug the USB cable into the device first and then plug the USB cable into the computer... Does a small window pop up and say "Connect" Device?
  9. If it doesn't look discolored or deformed and it's all green chances are it's still good. You can check it with as meter. How long have you had this device?
  10. The battery may very well be too low where it won't charge at all... there is a recovery process in EScribe that sometimes works but without being hooked up to Escribe you can't use it. Since you don't get a usb connection sound on the computer you may have a driver issue.... Uninstall and reintall EScribe... What version of Windows are you running?
  11. What level does the battery meter show on the device? If the battery get real low it will not charge at all and there is a process in EScribe that sometimes will get the battery to charge again... How many other USB cords have you tried? If there is something wrong with the usb connector of the device it won't connect to EScribe and there are other things that it could be also.
  12. So you downloaded and installed the latest version of EScribe to a Windows PC and the device won't connect to EScribe. Are the usb cables you have tried data/charge cables or just charge cables? Do you have the original USB cable that came with the device? Will it charge now with an external charger (wall charger)?
  13. Has it ever charged or hooked up to EScribe since you got it or has it just fired using the power in the battery? It could be many things causing this so any other information you have may be helpful...
  14. So it hasn't worked right since you got it?
  15. Is this a new device and has it charged and hooked up to EScribe before?
  16. It is likely that the movement of the spring loaded center pin of the 510 and possible cold solder joint of the center pin wire caused the wire to come loose from the pin. As you said it was working ok before the check atty message... Somebody that repairs electronics (tv, stereo, etc) should be able to solder it for you. If it works after reattaching the wire to the 510 then you can plug it into EScribe Device Monitor and see how it is doing.... the mark you keep mentioning may be nothing to worry about and could have always been there you think??? Let us know what you find out after you get the 510 wire back on the center pin...
  17. Also if there was a heat buildup you should have gotten a message also.... from the data sheet: Too Hot: The DNA 75 has onboard temperature sensing. It will shut down and display this message if the internal board temperature becomes excessive. You can monitor the board temp in EScribe also....
  18. If you are concerned you could take it to a locsl vape shop that troubleshoots issues or contact SMY about the issue... and let them look at it and connect the 510 back and etc. there are safety features built into the dna's.... the 510 wire should not have disconnected with normal use...
  19. OK.... Is there any indications on the board or solder points of the marked part that indicates overheating of the board or solder points around the marked part? Maybe the best way to check is to reconnect the 510 wire and see if it vapes again and you can feel the marked part for heat buildup. Hopefully the positive 510 wire when it came loose did not short out at the ground of the 510 connector. If that did occur I would think you would have gotten a shorted error message...
  20. Have you reconnected the positive wire to the 510 and does the mod work again? What was the cause of the auto fire a month ago and how was it corrected? It is hard to tell from the picture much about the marks and it looks like there are marks on several components and could only be components not fully conformal coated during manufacturing. The device was working ok until you got the check atomizer message and the message was caused by the disconnected 510 positive wire. I would guess the two things are not related but it's not easy to troubleshoot over the internet and not physically having the device in hand so that's my best guess....
  21. Any chance of getting a picture of the internals of the Hammond box? So since new yesterday it hasn't ever worked right?
  22. Have you made any changes in EScribe to the screens, profiles, or themes?
  23. I have never heard or seen this error message (may have something to do with the programming of the board)... you might fill out a ticket with Evolv and ask them.... Please post back what you learn from them.... Link: https://helpdesk.evolvapor.com/index.php?a=add&category=1 Was this a new board and you only installed it and changed nothing? Where did you purchase the board?
  24. All of my DNA devices use the default settings from Evolv for Max input..... as I said..." there are a lot of safety features built into the board.... if the battery can't provide the power required for the example you give then the device will still fire but at a reduced wattage".
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