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Custom Materials

4 files

  1. Collection of material csv's for Escribe

    This is my personal collection of my csv files for escribe.
    I collected these from multiple sources on the web within my 3 years of vaping.
    Its not a complete collection, but these are the materials I use and build with.
    Please keep in mind that there is always some "range" within different products and manufacturers of wires.
    I am quite obsessed on details and I believe these are the optimal csv's I could find so far.
    (But If you have a "better" one and some explanation why it is superior, pls add it to this forum)
    keep vaping 😉


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  2. 6 NiFe material files and TCR list for all DNA mods

    You can download them individually or as a .zip.csv file containing all 6, but you'll need to remove .csv file extension
    Steam-Engine files
    NiFe (Reactor_Wire) - TCR in vaping range    4000    ×10-6
    NiFe30 (StealthVape) - TCR in vaping range    5000    ×10-6
    NiFe30 Resisttherm TCR file - TCR in vaping range    3200    ×10-6
    NiFe30 Resisttherm TFR file - TCR in vaping range    3355    ×10-6
    Nifethal_52 (Alloy52) - TCR in vaping range    4036    ×10-6
    Nifethal_70 (Alloy120) - TCR in vaping range    5250    ×10-6
    These Steam-Engine files and TCR values were sourced from here http://www.steam-engine.org/wirewiz#
    Here's how to understand or create just a custom TCR file from the 'TCR in vaping range' values or given to you by a vendor. 
    Nifethal_52 (Alloy52) value 4036    ×10-6 you would create 0.004036 as the TCR value
    Vendor says 404 you would create 0.00404 as the TCR value
    Some vendor datasheets list the NiFeXX to denote the Nickel content like here. You need to take care.

    While others list NiFeXX to denote the Iron content like here


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  3. Inowire Profil

    Profil pour le TC de l'inspire 
    Ici j'ai optimisé un profil pour une vape froide juste exceptionnelle.
    Diam : 3mm Pattes : 5mm  Tours : 9  Serrés et rodé a confondre le fil avec du cuivre et BIM ! Cotton et là go et sa décoiffe sans cramer ! 
    j'espere que vous apprécierez tout autant que moi !
    Bec a vous ! et bonne vape
    Here I optimized a profile for a cold vape just outstanding.
    Diam: 3mm Legs: 5mm Tours: 9 Tightened and honed to confuse the wire with copper and BIM! Cotton and there go and his hat without crame!
    I hope you enjoy it as much as me!
    kiss to you! and good vape


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  4. DNA 75 HCigar VTIntbox 1.1 2 coils Inowire 26g 8spires axe 2.5

    hello un prfile a testet que j ai fais avec l Inowire 304 Bonne Vape a Tous....


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