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Stopped working


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My Vaporshark has stopped working. I thought the battery died (one cell was reading sub 2.9 volts, I left it for a couple of days and it was reading 0) and went and replaced it today.
Device monitor shows 11.5 volts on the package, cell 1 5.75, cell 2 0, cell 3 5.75. The battery is a 3S so the device monitor is reading 11.5 correctly but the individual cells do not display correctly.
Screen lights up if I keep the button pressed, device shuts down if I let my finger off the power button. If I unplug the 4-pin connector, the device lights up with a single press of the fire button (no need to hold it down) and turns off after a couple of seconds on the normal volt, resistance, power etc display.
The battery indicator always shows 0%.

I have dropped the device in water but that was in Christmas, now is June. It had the same behaviour back then for a couple of hours until I got it dry (yes I had fired it up while still somewhat wet). The board seems to have some water damage but it was working fine up until now.

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I was hoping I can diagnose the problem with some help from this forum. If the problem is a bad connection on a wire (which does not seem to be as I checked with a multi meter) I am handy enough to resolder said wire. If the problem is on the board, maybe I can get some local electronics guy to repair it. I just need help finding out why my DNA 200 does not recognize the second battery cell. (It is the second cell on both batteries)
One more thing to note, it was charging when all of this started happening. That is why I though of the battery being the culprit. I personally think there is something wrong with the balance charger chip on the board. It looks like it has some salt gunk on its feet. I am going to try and clean it with isopropyl alcohol tomorrow, as I don't have any right now.

Edited by sotiris.bos
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I know on the VS flasks, I've had some trouble with their daughter boards, and they look like a bear to remove. I'm not sure if they use a daughter board in the plain VS or not. If not, then it would be a pretty straight forward swap to a 250

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If memory serves me the Vaporshark does have a proprietary DNA200 board and what you are experiencing may be a board issue.  Posters here over the years have experienced the same thing that you got.Your best option, I, guess, is to have a "modder" or repair facility look at it where you are located to determine the definitive issue (may be board related).  You might want to contact customer service at Vapor shark also.  They do offer the cheapest replacement cost converting their VS from 200 to a 250 board that I've seen. 70 dollars gets you new board, new 510 connector, and new battery (plus shipping)..

I guess you could compare the cost of Vaporshark service and replacement including shipping to the total cost of local vendor replacement of the board plus their labor.





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28 minutes ago, sotiris.bos said:

No, it is a big problem apparently, lots of people have the same exact issue. Check out my other post where I explain what really is the problem:

Yes it's a very big problem. Did you try to contact evolvapor regarding this? This is not the mods' manufacturer fault right?

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4 minutes ago, cian.castillo said:

Yes it's a very big problem. Did you try to contact evolvapor regarding this? This is not the mods' manufacturer fault right?

No I just didn't have the time lately to contact them. The problem is on their boards so I don't see how it could be the mods' manufacturer fault. You might as well contact them and point them to these threads. I will too probably tomorrow, the more of us that complain about this, the better. I also thought somebody from evolv would read their forums but that does not seem to be a thing apparently...

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The folks from Evolv generally try to read here abouts as they have time I think.... Your easiest avenue to talk with them and let them respond back with you is to start a ticket at their Help Desk.  The Link is in my Sig Line below.  

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2 minutes ago, retird said:

The folks from Evolv generally try to read here abouts as they have time I think.... Your easiest avenue to talk with them and let them respond back with you is to start a ticket at their Help Desk.  The Link is in my Sig Line below.  

Yeah a ticket was what I intend to do. I just didn't have the time this week

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