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USB-Charge at 0.09A early firmware SetupES_2015-07-16.exe


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Does not happen always on my dedicated usb-charger but seems I can reproduce it every time I connect to EScribe, this is something that occured later hence I set usb-current and cellvoltages in display from day 1, it seems softwarerelated but I'm not really sure.

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Hrm, yeah that doesn't seem like it should be getting that warm unless the board is totally bedded in hot glue or something on the other side. The temperature sensor is down by the USB port, does that part of the board get perceptibly warm? 

We have some margin on the charger, so we could push the limit up a bit without it causing a problem. 

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It has a dab of epoxy in front under the shrinktube and adhesive/epoxied arount back of JST-plug so secured very airy, it has plenty of breathingspace on it's right side


Running case analyzer it just waits for steady temp (currently +20min), should I increase my ambient temp?


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I do have some vinyl cutouts on my inside as insulation but I'll doubt that should pose a problem hence it happens without any lid on as well.. switching to kanthal didn't seem to help either, it's been like this past two days only and everything else seems to work as it should.


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Running these now

SetupES_2015-07-16.exe / 2015-07-16.sw-update

But have switched back to earler builds & firmware afterwards but doesn't seem to help, will try case analyzer in the morning and give my board a good cleanse as well and see if that helps

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My wattage usually at 25-30watts and past two days board getting warm like this so could be an update but I'm not sure.

This part in particular gets warm, if I take a puff while charging sensor kicks in and lowers charging to 0.09, then I have to wait and unplugging my battery seems to help for it to reset.

But will try the case analyzer, should I set USB current to 0 in diagnostics while doing so?


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