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Technical explanation of preheat?


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Hello all,

If using a temperature-sensing coil you can define the preheat. This makes sense and I understand it's purpose.
It is also very easy to understand the time limit...

However. if the preheat power is 100w what diference does the punch make? If it's soft does it hit 90w or if it's soft does it take a second to get to 100w?

Another question on the matter, if the preheat power is 100w and the power setting is set to 50w will it fire 100w for a second then 50w?

Could somebody explain the exact way it works for my understanding?


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Punch is how "aggressive" or close to you set temperature it will go and maybe how quick it will ramp up.

The PH will increase the power up to the PH power setting until the time limit is reached or the temperature reaches the threshold set in the Punch, whichevery happens first.  The default threshold was 100 F below your set temperature on the 40 and looks the same on the 200.

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Thanks for the reply Vapingbad. This is how I imagine it to work and understood it to work.

However if setting the punch defines how close to the temperature it gets why do we set a power option aswell?

In my head... Power = temperature - raising one raises the other... So how can you set the power and have the punch change the heat temp? If possible I'd love to see two number examples (even if not completely mathematically accurate)

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Yes/no, for the duration of the preheat time limit it will apply the preheat power but regulates this down if the temp minus 10 degrees is reached. After that it will regulate the power to keep the  temperature, with the power of the profile as maximum limit.

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  lexalove said:

[QUOTE=VapingBad]I had a go at a flowchart


E: corrected a <= to <


Hey VB.. you spying on me through my web cam??

I was working on the exact same thing last week while trying to explain to a friend of mine how the DNA works.

I must admit yours is much better laid out than my first effort, great job mate :)

You may think that, I couldn't possibly comment B|

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