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LiPo Cell Soft Cut Off


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Has anyone changed their Cell Soft Cut Off value?  Mine came stock at 3.09v and I was wondering if it was safe to bring it down to 2.9 or 3v.  Would that be a lot harder on the cell?  Would the added battery life be that noticeable and would the reduced cycle life be worth it in your guys' opinions?  I'm using the FullyMax 900mAh 3s LiPo pack btw.  What is the Hard Cut Off set at?

[Edited for typos]

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Hard is actually 2.85. There's very little extra energy below 3.1, you'd be talking a few minutes extra run time at most, and you'll lose maybe 10% of your usable charge cycles. Whether that trade-off is worth it is up to you. 

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Will the 14% reduction in run time be the only noticeable difference?  Also, where in Escribe can I find this setting?  Thanks, John!  You are a true wizard!  I LOVE every board you've come out with (aside from the DNA12, I haven't tried it but I'm sure it was amazing)!

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  • 3 months later...

hi there, it's something new to me having a lipo in my vape mod. i just purchased a lost vape efusion with a dna 200 chip in it. i assumed it uses a fullymax 1300mah 3s lipo battery. as a rc modeller, i have used some lipo batteries in the past few years. as what i know, if to keep the lipo battery life cycle longer, it's best not to discharge the battery below 3.8v.. so it's quite an unusual thing for me to see the preset softcut value at 3.09v.. i have set mine to 3.8v.. am i doing this wrongly? please share your knowledge with me..

regards, danial.

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Setting it at 3.8v is way too high. It won't do any harm, but that's like buying a car with a 20-gallon tank and putting a chip in it that won't allow it to use the last 10 gallons of gas left in the tank. :/ The LVC is a compromise between runtime and longevity. For RC, particularly when you're using 14S 5000 mah packs that cost $200+, you're taking a bigger (but calculated) risk with a low-ish LVC's, which is why most RC'ers (myself included) like to consume no more than ~80% of the pack's actual capacity. But with much less expensive packs that are suitable for vaping, I am perfectly comfortable sacrificing a small amount of longevity for some extra runtime. The eVolv default of 3.09v is a good compromise IMO. But if you're concerned with that and want to preserve some more longevity from your packs, raise it up a bit, but maybe to around 3.2-3.3v (or even 3.4v if you're so inclined), not anything nearly as high as 3.8v IMO.

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  • 2 years later...

I have recently added a 1300mah battery to my Tuglyfe DNA250 device. I have run the Watt-Hour Calculator and I entered my battery setting (1300mah). My device charges to 2% then drops down to 0%. After I received my mod with it's brand new battery installed, I plugged it in and charged to 100%. I then vaped for a bit, after a short while it said "check battery" and dropped down to 0%.

Am I doing something wrong???

Please help!


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  • 2 weeks later...

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