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Vaporshark dna200 - resistance reading high and very hot vape.


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So I've had my vaporshark for a few days and it was working great to start with, but now I'm just struggling to get a decent vape in temperature control with any of my tanks. The first issue was that I suddenly started to get a really hot vape. I was using the triton II tank with a new 0.4 ohm SS coil in temp control mode and had to drop the temperature to 320F. but was still unvapable. I Thought this was a problem with the new coil so switched to my crown tank with the Ni coil. Swapped to the my normal crown profile, and got the worst vape I've ever had, incrediby hot vapour and liquid followed by a massive dry hit. It was so hot I burnt the inside of my lip on the drip tip and the inside of my mouth from the spitting liquid. I Dropped the temperature and checked it in device manager, which showed it to be controlling at the lower set temperature, and dropping the power as you would expect. However the actual temperature was way hotter tan It should of been and still unvapable. Also tried the tfv4 mini and go the same result. After a soft reboot it seems to be working better ,but it still isn't working correctly in temp control mode. I've tried about 8 different combinations of coils and tanks and the resistance is consistently reading high, compared to other mods, which It wasn't doing this when I first set it up. I set up several profiles when I first got it, for the subtank mini, uwell crown, tfv4 mini and triton 2. All of which are now way out. For example, the Uwell Crown with the Ni200 coils was set at 490F, 110W and 130W preheat, and working great. Ive now got it set at 450F and 45W, no preheat and it's getting too hot after a few vapes, although in device monitor it is only getting to 435F and not regulating Power? Using stainless coils is even worse. Just tried to set it up again from a hard reboot. The NI coil at room temperature was reading 0.151 on the IPV and 0.169 on the vaporshark. After a hard reboot the coil was reading 0.191 ohms! Coil wasn't fired between these tests? Not sure what the problem is here, but there's clearly something wrong with the mod.

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Well the vendor has asked me to send it back so we will see what happens. I asked what their replacement policy is and they said they would have to test it first, my worry is that they will want to send it back to vaporshark for repairs, whcih is likely to take some time.

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Well prior to sending the mod back, I've checked the mod resistance. It's reading 0.015 ohms, instead of the default 0.007 ohms. After changing the settings in Escribe it's now Reading the cold ohms consistently with my other mods, and vaping really well. Is it safe to leave it at these settings, or does the high mod resistance Indicate a problem with the mod build.

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Angus337 said:

Well prior to sending the mod back, I've checked the mod resistance. It's reading 0.015 ohms, instead of the default 0.007 ohms. After changing the settings in Escribe it's now Reading the cold ohms consistently with my other mods, and vaping really well. Is it safe to leave it at these settings, or does the high mod resistance Indicate a problem with the mod build.

So after factoring in an extra .008 resistance for the mod, it vapes well.  That seems a bit high and if you can stand to have it service, I would.  I bet there is an issue with the 510, assuming the atomizer is solid you tested with.
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It seems to have worked well for most of the day, but on my way home from work I noticed the atomiser resistance has now crept up again from 0.15 to 0.17 ohms and there is a really noticeable change to the vape temperature. Haven't had chance to connect to Escribe yet, but appears to be getting worse.

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I've just returned mine to the vendor, so will see what happens. If they confirm the fault then I will be asking for a replacement or refund. I don't think returning a device for repair after less than a week is acceptable, especially if it has to be shipped from the U.K. Back to vaporshark. Update: Unfortunately, the vendor had no stock left, got a refund, but can't find the Vaporshark in stock in the UK now, so will have to look for an alternative.

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