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Temp control on Crown SS coils


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So I just sold my SX Mini, but I had the firmware upgrade for user TCR. I have two DNA 200 boxes. VS and VT200. I've used the 0.25 and 0.50 Crown SS coils on both. TC works fine on both. Despite everything from Uwell saying the coils are 316, everyone uses 304 TCR. The difference is around 50F at 400F. Everyone, including me, say the 316 TCR is too cold. I did some burn tests on a dry coil, and the results were a little inconclusive. But using 304 TCR of 1016, it would smoke at 475F. Any hoo... I had one coil I thought was burning but wasn't sure. But then there was no doubt. On the SX mini and DNA. Oh well, bad coil. Lately, on both DNAs the TC has been inconsistent. Maybe 10% of the time sort of. TC works fine. Period. Then, another time I'll go to vape, and it's cold. I like around 450F. But it feels like nothing. And no initial punch either. Then, a couple times now, I go to vape, and it's super hot. Like full power. I have power at 100w. It doesn't let up. It doesn't temp control. Yesterday, when it happened, I lowered temp all the way to 200F but no change. I let it sit for a while, and it works fine again. Today, it was much hotter than normal. But turning temp down it did work, but at like 350F. I never use power mode. Never lock my ohms. Never connect a hot atty. Ohms are not fluctuating all over. But both boxes have done it. So I can only assume it's the Crown. The VT200 seems to hit noticeably less than the VS. Even though the settings are identical. And swapping tanks it's the same. Like the VT200 is set 50F lower. But, settings are identical and I use the same curve. It's just really weird. I am lost as to why it all works normal, even compared to the SX Mini, but then every now and then it doesn't. It's happened 5-6 times now. Anyone have any ideas?

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the crown coils use nickle wire welded on the ss for the legs. screws up the dna. same here my temp is crazy off with them coils. my temp line in device monitor looks like the rocky mountains. ss, imo is hard for any device to do in temp mode i dont care what anyone says, i could care lessssssssss. its a very small tcr, thats why. im ditching ss. i have some nife30 from zivipf coming in mail. bye bye ss. i suggest you do the same. or just run youre crown coils in wattage mode. 


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You are correct ChunkyButt about the nickel legs.All stock coils use nickel legs so they can achieve the resistance they want (legs are very long on all stock coils that's why they use nickel because it's very low resistance and a regular coil with legs that long would be very high resistance) I also agree with you about SS and that's the reason I haven't really attempted to mess with at at all yet. I've been preaching the same thing as you to everyone who has trouble with it.

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Thanks Chunky. My googlefu was off. Ya, plenty out there if you look right. Well hopefully Uwell will make a SS coil right for TC, or do Ti. The tank I love. But I got set up for TC because I like it. So I want to stick with it. The SS coils do work in TC. Seems consistent to me... Except when it looses it's mind. Juking the TCR or using 304 is certainly in the ball park. I have yet on hear anything on how accurate the DNA 200 is with SS. I realize the range is narrow, but it's just a matter of sample rate.

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So I got down to two profiles. One soft, one hard. I use soft for a new coil. I turned power down so it won't cook the wick when it goes bad. Normally I'm at 1s/10/120w, and 85w at 450. That works great for me. The other day I knocked over my box, and it was done. Coil seemed like it was in power mode. Never limited. Got a burnt hit, but the settings kept it mild. Not a full lung of burnt cotton. Once it was done, nothing got it back. Analyzer was all over. Reduced temp, locked unlocked, nothing. Just full on power. So that one lasted a couple weeks. New coil no problem. I think the connection between nickle and SS has to wear out. Once ohms becomes unstable and wanders it's over. I could probably get more time out of it in power, but it's burnt. Certainly not the fault of the DNA. And the Crown coils are good, just not really intended for TC. Even if it was all SS, the long legs would still be a problem. It is what it is. I still love it in TC. You just have to know at some point it's going to loose it's mind.

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For a few days now i've been playing around with the stock Crown ss coils in TC. I also was using the 304ss curve from wire wizard. At first, I thought it was fine, even though it was no where near as accurate as when I build with NiFe 30. Returned the Crown tank back to wattage for now.

In the future I may invest in a spool of SS and experiment with a few builds, but it will take something special, if it's to replace my beloved NiFe. I do think SS has it's place in TC down the line, I just don't think we are quite there yet.

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Longy01 said:

For a few days now i've been playing around with the stock Crown ss coils in TC. I also was using the 304ss curve from wire wizard. At first, I thought it was fine, even though it was no where near as accurate as when I build with NiFe 30. Returned the Crown tank back to wattage for now.

In the future I may invest in a spool of SS and experiment with a few builds, but it will take something special, if it's to replace my beloved NiFe. I do think SS has it's place in TC down the line, I just don't think we are quite there yet.

I use this CVS file for the Crown SS http://www.filedropper.com/dna200-ud-ss316ldjaquithv3 The Crown use some "Grade D SS316L" whatever that is!? In addition, I disable the Preheat; 'tip' I'd recommend that you try is to turn-off Preheat using SS, other wire no, but SS .. I'd certainly try it; (1,1,0):

Let me know. I also read here about TCR's, on the Crown 0.00097 is what I've used with minor tweaks. SS for 'TC' is a pain, Titanium Grade 1 by far is my preference. 
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Jaquith said:

[QUOTE=Longy01]For a few days now i've been playing around with the stock Crown ss coils in TC. I also was using the 304ss curve from wire wizard. At first, I thought it was fine, even though it was no where near as accurate as when I build with NiFe 30. Returned the Crown tank back to wattage for now.

In the future I may invest in a spool of SS and experiment with a few builds, but it will take something special, if it's to replace my beloved NiFe. I do think SS has it's place in TC down the line, I just don't think we are quite there yet.

I use this CVS file for the Crown SS http://www.filedropper.com/dna200-ud-ss316ldjaquithv3 The Crown use some "Grade D SS316L" whatever that is!? In addition, I disable the Preheat; 'tip' I'd recommend that you try is to turn-off Preheat using SS, other wire no, but SS .. I'd certainly try it; (1,1,0):

Let me know. I also read here about TCR's, on the Crown 0.00097 is what I've used with minor tweaks. SS for 'TC' is a pain, Titanium Grade 1 by far is my preference. [/QUOTE]

Hi David. Thanks for quick reply. Didn't have much luck with my thread on the planetofthevapes forum. Will defo give it a go. Let you know how I get on. :-)

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Jaquith said:


Hi David. Thanks for quick reply. Didn't have much luck with my thread on the planetofthevapes forum. Will defo give it a go. Let you know how I get on. :-)

Heres's another to try as well V3.25 http://www.filedropper.com/dna200-ud-ss316ldjaquithv325[/QUOTE]

Hi again. Ok, tried a few TFR profiles this morning. Also disabled preheat and punch as you advised. At 420f the signal is still a bit like a map of the alps, but at higher temperatures say 510f, it does flatten out quite a bit. Currently have my temp set at 540f, and so far so good. :-)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Jaquith said:


Hi David. Thanks for quick reply. Didn't have much luck with my thread on the planetofthevapes forum. Will defo give it a go. Let you know how I get on. :-)

Heres's another to try as well V3.25 http://www.filedropper.com/dna200-ud-ss316ldjaquithv325[/QUOTE] Jaquith Just wanted to say thanks for sharing this. I've been working on getting SS 316L & Crown coils to work right for a week or so now. I was getting close but this one works great. Saved me some time and work so thanks again. I have also shared this with others giving you the credit. Hope that is ok. Mike
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Jaquith said:

[QUOTE=Longy01]For a few days now i've been playing around with the stock Crown ss coils in TC. I also was using the 304ss curve from wire wizard. At first, I thought it was fine, even though it was no where near as accurate as when I build with NiFe 30. Returned the Crown tank back to wattage for now.

In the future I may invest in a spool of SS and experiment with a few builds, but it will take something special, if it's to replace my beloved NiFe. I do think SS has it's place in TC down the line, I just don't think we are quite there yet.

I use this CVS file for the Crown SS http://www.filedropper.com/dna200-ud-ss316ldjaquithv3 The Crown use some "Grade D SS316L" whatever that is!? In addition, I disable the Preheat; 'tip' I'd recommend that you try is to turn-off Preheat using SS, other wire no, but SS .. I'd certainly try it; (1,1,0):

Let me know. I also read here about TCR's, on the Crown 0.00097 is what I've used with minor tweaks. SS for 'TC' is a pain, Titanium Grade 1 by far is my preference. [/QUOTE]

Wow works flawlessly. Never vaped in TC with ss crown coil until now. Thank you!
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  • 4 months later...
RawrRomp said:

bump :(

sos mate i cant help ya with premade stainless coils, i recomend using the build deck and use ni200 or Nife30, but if your set on stainless,,again go for 316 on the build dec and use the pre set value in your mod, people recomend turning off or right down your preheat punch.. in escribe..
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