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Hcigar VT200 dead ....


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Does this sound like a blown fuse or something else?

I was using my hcigar vt200 at 50w with the crown tank & 0.5ohm coil fitted last week and heard a pop noise in the middle of taking a hit and now its completely dead, blank screen and will not connect to escribe, pc doesn't even make the usual noise like it does when you connect a usb device. I have emailed hcigar and messaged them through there facebook page but no one has gotten back to me. This was purchased mid December 2015 but the vendor says he only has a 60 day warranty and I have to take it up with hcigar which seems strange to me. 



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reddiamond said:

It is completely dead whatever you do with it, no display, doesn't fire and won't connect to escribe. Could this still be the fuse as I thought with fuse gone it will still show in escribe?

No, it would still connect to EScribe and the screen would operate, you could try and force a firmware update I don't think it will work just a very remote possibility.
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I decided to open it up and take a look inside, the board looks fine with no signs of damage but I think the fuse has definitely gone. Hcigar still haven't gotten back to me regarding this and from what I have read on the internet they seem very difficult to actually get a response from them so it looks like I am screwed, shame as I really liked this mod but looks like I'm back to using my old ipv4.


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what about the vendor you purchased the mod from? i wouldn't give up hope yet. submit a ticket with evolv through their help desk from their website. explain your situation, they sometimes take entire mods in for repair. worst case, they'll have you desolder the board and send just that. just be patient when waiting for a response after you submit your ticket, it could take a few days for a response. 

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The vendor is not interested as it's past there 60 day warranty period and told me to contact hcigar direct but they don't seem to be replying to enquiries according to quite a few posts on the internet. I will open a ticket with evolv and see how that goes, I have no problem removing the board from the mod if that's what is required.

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VapingBad said:

No, it would still connect to EScribe and the screen would operate, you could try and force a firmware update I don't think it will work just a very remote possibility.


I have the same issue with my VT200. it still connects with escribe and charges the battery. it doesn't fire though. when i fire it, its says 'ohms too high'. How do I get this fixed? or do I need to send my vt200 to evolve as well?

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pao625 said:


I have the same issue with my VT200. it still connects with escribe and charges the battery. it doesn't fire though. when i fire it, its says 'ohms too high'. How do I get this fixed? or do I need to send my vt200 to evolve as well?


First I would try a few atties in case it's just the 510 pin sitting lower than normal, you should be able to feel it getting tight before it completely screwed in.  If it's in warranty the vendor you got it from should sort in out for you.  If it's out of warranty and you are confident with a soldering iron you could check the internal connections are all sound, if not you can ask Evolv to help by opening a ticket Help Desk - Submit a ticket.
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@black lace, i am using the baal v3. it was working earlier then the mod suddenly shutdown. i can't turn it on. it only power ups when I connect to escribe and charges the battery though. Im using SS316L

@vaping bad, I did some research here in the forum and it seems like a blown fuse. it has all the same symptoms. do i need to open the chip enclosure for vt200 to confirm? and I can just replace that by using a shouldering iron right?


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pao625 said:

@black lace, i am using the baal v3. it was working earlier then the mod suddenly shutdown. i can't turn it on. it only power ups when I connect to escribe and charges the battery though. Im using SS316L

@vaping bad, I did some research here in the forum and it seems like a blown fuse. it has all the same symptoms. do i need to open the chip enclosure for vt200 to confirm? and I can just replace that by using a shouldering iron right?


I don't know if you get ohms too high with a blown fuse it has not happened to me, it makes sense in that there wouldn't be enough power from the USB to fire anything much.  If the fuse is blown the device will be dead when not connected to a USB supply or PC, is that the case with yours?
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You can pretty much visualy tell if the fuse has now blown, I dont know how fiddly it is on yours to replace insitue, put an rma request in if your not confident,, ive done one on one of my builds, (fiddly) i never definatly got to the bottom of what caused it to blow, but the charger haddnt fully charged it for a few nights so i binned the charger and the mod is still fine after months of use..

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Edit...oh good grief.. got you mixed up with the op .. har har ..(mobile small screen). i never said. When the fuse whent on mine, it had been charging for a few hours and still connected and charging and the atty i had on it was so codged up and coils in such desperat need of rebuilding, it would read short when tweaking the fire button, then intermitantly fire. So two contributing factors a suspect charger and when my coils start shorting, i now change them out sharpish.. good luck to ya...

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I dont know, just make sure you send buy an insured recorded postage at the value you paid. and also photo copy your recipt for the mod, because obviously you will be sending a recipt in with the mod,,, so you still have some proof of purchase.. hope that aint as clear as mud.. all the best to ya..

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