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Efusion problem


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Hey all need help just purchased a efusion dna200 problem is temp is not working on any wire type just goes right to power mode fires at wattage no problem when set on temp it just goes to wattage on all my rda and tanks tried updating and downgrading firmware no luck what should I do?

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Smokey1336 said:

Hey all need help just purchased a efusion dna200 problem is temp is not working on any wire type just goes right to power mode fires at wattage no problem when set on temp it just goes to wattage on all my rda and tanks tried updating and downgrading firmware no luck what should I do?

Would you mind checking your setting for mod resistance in EScribe under the mod tab and post it here? If for some reason it's way off that might be the problem. Generally that setting will be 0 to 0.006 ohms.
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Smokey1336 said:

Using 22 gauge ti lighting vapes and titanium CSV from evolve used nickle wire same thing works fine on my vt200

from what can see your live ohms go down slightly from your cold ohms when firing. as you know the resistance has to rise while being fired in order for the dna or any other tc board to do temp control. so you need to narrow down what causing your live ohms to be the same as cold while firing. did TC ever work on this mod? 

edit....wild guess without having the device in hand, something 510 related. either the 510 wiring, soldering or 510 itself.

edit 2..... if you open "atomizer analyzer" in escribe with an atty (same atty you used for the screenshot) on the mod and wiggle it or shake the mod, does the resistance vary greatly (go up and down)?
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It's fixed you guys were right opened up box messed up carbon panels a little but it was some gunk in the 510 took apart cleaned put back together is working like a charm... as you see side panels chipped corners alittle but who cares my mod is working again woot woot thanks guys



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Btw uploaded my vt200 mod settings at .003 mod resistance and same case cooling 287.72 Heating 301.48 USB charge 9.26 10.52 Min ambient -20 Max ambient 110 It's spot on even better then efusion ecig profile Atty ohm reading is perfect everything perfect Battery analyzer ran came out to 14.316 better battery then in my vt200 but still get about 4-5 hours bout half hour longer then my vt200

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I am having major issues with an efusion duo I received today.. the only wire it fires decent is titanium
it's extremely anemic with clapton 316l28/32 mkws unless I fire on ss430mode same with 22 g. temco 316
it has read ohms too high at times which I have never encountered with others. and the ohms dont stay locked ? does anyone have any suggestions? 

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Post a screen of it firing coil with the correct material selected. Be sure to tick the cold and live ohms, power, temperature set.
You might try using atomizer analyzer checking that the ohms is stable, screw atty in and loosen just slightly, tighten,loosen slightly, jiggle ,tighten.....are you getting near the same ohms or is the readings going wild?

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Jentz9517 said:

I looked at the 510 positive and it has a cut in it looks to me what do you guys think? That couldn't be helping my cause. Any feedback appreciated

As long as the strands of the wire inside aren't cut and it's not shorting (or not about to short) that shouldn't matter. So if just a break in the insulation and isn't going to contact anything is OK, remember it moves slightly.
Now is it touching anything, it appears that it may be?
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dwcraig1 said:

As long as the strands of the wire inside aren't cut and it's not shorting (or not about to short) that shouldn't matter. So if just a break in the insulation and isn't going to contact anything is OK, remember it moves slightly.
Now is it touching anything, it appears that it may be?

ya I believe so which explains high ohms it is in contact with the tab



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Touching ground would cause lower ohms not higher.
I doubt if the wire inside is broken but it's possible. Perhaps the "twist" of the wire is keeping the 510 from moving easily.
Are you able to grab the 510 pin/wire and untwist and have it loop on the other side. It looks like maybe an atties 510 screw dug into your 510 socket's 510 and twisted it that way. Can it be untwisted?

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Smokey1336 said:

Thought my problem was solved appears it isn't I opened up the side panels to find a cold solder joint on my 510 ground ground just let go guess I'll try to fix myself unless evolve will fix

Efusion made a cold solder joint, so  let Efusion fix it and the bad insulation tear.... it is still under warranty, right?  
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