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Can't get SS working properly


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Hey, I'm having some problems with my DNA 200 mod and I'm hoping you folks can help out. 

It seems no matter what I do, I can't get TC mode to work with my SS coils. 

I started with fused claptons. But since it wasn't working properly, I decided to try just normal parallel coils. But that isn't working either. Here's what's happening:

It doesn't recognize the temperature. I used eScribe's Device Monitor to check, and also fired the mod while looking at the built-in display, and on the mod it just shows "---F" and on Device Monitor it just shows "?" on the temperature. I've tried everywhere from 200F to 600F, 20W to 150W, and every permutation/combination of those variables, and it just won't read the temperature. Most of the time it fires at full power, but sometimes it will randomly decide to fire at 0.2W as if it's already hot but it doesn't produce vapor. 

Oh and I almost forgot to mention, I'm using UD brand 316L SS wire. Currently I've got a 0.1 ohm parallel 24ga dual coil build on it. I've also tried up to a 0.2 ohm build, using Claptons, Fused Claptons, and parallel coils, haven't tried just a normal coil yet. Maybe it's just too much material in the atomizer for it to read? And I'm using TCR I got from Steam Engine for 316L SS. Here's the TCR values: 

"Temperature (degF)","Electrical Resistivity"

If anyone has any advice on how to make this work, I'd really appreciate it, and if there's any info I forgot to provide please let me know and I'll add it. Fortunately I'm using SS so I'm not inhaling nickel or titanium oxides while I figure this out, at least SS is safe in power mode if I can't get this to work, but I've been told the DNA chip is excellent for TC so I'd love to get it figured out.
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Brings your ohms up I think that at .20 your below the Low TCR of the wire. Ideally if you could run a nice chunky clapton at .60 or so you would be golden, but at least try and come up to around .40 or .50. SS does not behave like ni200 does and the board cannot deal with the wire at that low of a range.

I am not a SS expert but someone really smart told me this one day and its worked for me flawlessly.

And I use UD 316L 28g

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Thanks, I hadn't thought of that. All I have in SS right now is 24g and 32g, bought them to make some high-power/low-resistance claptons, but with 24g it looks like I'd need way too many wraps to get to 0.4 ohms so I guess I'll just have to use this stuff in power mode and get some thinner wire for TC mode. 

Just out of curiosity, what settings do you use for your SS coils in TC? I'm pretty new to TC in general, and I don't really even know where to begin with setting the temp and watts, though I seem to recall reading somewhere that cotton begins to burn around 420F. 

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  maawolfe36 said:

Thanks, I hadn't thought of that. All I have in SS right now is 24g and 32g, bought them to make some high-power/low-resistance claptons, but with 24g it looks like I'd need way too many wraps to get to 0.4 ohms so I guess I'll just have to use this stuff in power mode and get some thinner wire for TC mode. 

Just out of curiosity, what settings do you use for your SS coils in TC? I'm pretty new to TC in general, and I don't really even know where to begin with setting the temp and watts, though I seem to recall reading somewhere that cotton begins to burn around 420F. 


So I am not 100% sold on pre-heat yet and I think I prefer not to have any. I have 4 profiles set up for SS. 2 with pre heat that is 10 to 20w higher than my normal watts. 2 with no pre heat.

In a tank I am running .63 ohms spaced. Pre heat at 40 then back to 30w, with a temp setting around 450-480 depending upon my mood.

In a dripper I am running .50 tight spaced. Pre heat at 60 then back to 40w, with a temp setting starting at 480 - 520 depending on my mood.

The other two profiles have the pre heat set the same as the normal vape time so instead of 40w it would be preheat 30 and wattage set at 30. and the same on the other.

I am locking ohms in every time. And the board asks me if it is a new coil every time. Once up and running it does take a few minutes for things to calm down a little vaping for a few minutes. And once it does it is very rock solid and I know exactly what to expect. If I need more flavor and vapor I just turn the temp up 10 degrees each time till I get what I am after.

I think if you take the 32 gauge and make a tight twisted wire from it you can get to where you want to be. Keep it normal no parallel build at least for right now. Space the first builds so you can get a good feel of whats working right and build from there.

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Ah man, thanks again for the help! I can't believe I didn't think of twisting the 32g, been vaping for years and that thought didn't even cross my mind since it's been a while since I last used a twisted coil. I'll definitely try that, thanks!!

I'm thinking I'll probably try to build it close to your builds, around 0.5-0.6 ohms, and put it in my Aromamizer. I think around 40-50W would be just right for a TC tank vape. I'll probably just keep using power mode for my RDAs since I'm a bit of a cloud chaser when I'm using RDAs, but I think the TC in a tank would be great for when I'm driving or don't feel like dripping for any other reason. 

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  maawolfe36 said:

Ah man, thanks again for the help! I can't believe I didn't think of twisting the 32g, been vaping for years and that thought didn't even cross my mind since it's been a while since I last used a twisted coil. I'll definitely try that, thanks!!

I'm thinking I'll probably try to build it close to your builds, around 0.5-0.6 ohms, and put it in my Aromamizer. I think around 40-50W would be just right for a TC tank vape. I'll probably just keep using power mode for my RDAs since I'm a bit of a cloud chaser when I'm using RDAs, but I think the TC in a tank would be great for when I'm driving or don't feel like dripping for any other reason. 


Try these for UD 316l. They are specific to that wire but are great with other brands too.. they are a bit hotter and work well with mixed/clapton

JJSSv2.csvFetching info...

JJ_SSv1.csvFetching info...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got some SS 430 from the vape mesh company out of England, 24 guage. Anyway, can't get it to work right with any of my DNA 200's. I'm using the file from steam engine. Is there a trick to this wire or is there a better file out there somewhere? I heard 430 would be the ultimate temp experience with stainless wire because of the increased tcr, but I'm not having any luck with it at all. I have 316l vaping like a dream. That's how I want this 430 to vape. Any ideas folks? Thanks in advance.

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It works fine, softer than Unkamen's but the TCR value has not been published as yet.
Not relevant perhaps but I prefer twisted 28 gauge Unkamen's ss430 better than CW's 26 gauge 430. I probably would like twisted 28 gauge CW 430 just fine if I had that as well.
I'm using a couple duals of twisted 25 CW 430 in an Aromamizer with TP, works well.

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  Jentz9517 said:

I got some in the cart from CrazyWire different site same wire just debating and thinking about what gauges I want

I have 24 guage of crazy wire I just received and it's not working right with the steam engine file. I have to crank it to 600 for an anemic vape. There must be different alloys mixed in with the SS 430.
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  dylang919 said:

I have 24 guage of crazy wire I just received and it's not working right with the steam engine file. I have to crank it to 600 for an anemic vape. There must be different alloys mixed in with the SS 430.

As I said in a few posts back. I use TCR setting of 0.00238. It's a different composition than Unkamen's 430, CW's contains Ni for one.
The TCR I'm using is one that I came up with after much experimenting (not a scientist, not even close).
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I didn't notice anything regarding an off taste created by the wire it's self. That is actually why I bought it, I had read it tasted bad and didn't believe it so I bought some. I paid very close attention to how clean it was coming off the spool as well as if there was  an odor given off when first heated. I found nothing unusual.

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