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Wismec Reuleaux DNA200 'BATTERY CHECK' error


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Hi Guys,
A couple of days ago, after working perfectly for 8 months I am getting the Battery Check error. The batteries have seldom been removed as I have always charged it by USB and I'm convinced that the Samsung 25R's are working perfectly as I have checked them with other mods. According to Escribe, Pack Voltage and individual cell voltages are all 0.00 V. Doesn't seem to be any connection to the batteries at all. Vendor says it's out of warranty and haven't had a reply to my email to Wismec yet. Bit dissapointing for 8 months considering its cost.

Any advise would be appreciated

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Hi , Thank you for your response. I have charged the batteries to 100% via an external charger and still getting 0.00V for Pack and cell readings in Escribe. Checked to earth screw, Soft Reset, Hard Reset and Restore to Default have been tried without success. three new LG HG2 on the way, but I don't think they're gonna solve the issue.
I haven't checked the continuity on the Wismec; didn't think of that to be honest. Although
I have a MultiMeter; it doesn't have the continuity feature :cry:. I have also noticed that when it is connected to USB it doesn't try to charge either (no battery indicator). I feel that Wismec won't respond favourably; and with that in mind, what would I have to remove to check these battery conections ?

Yesterday a Hard Reset via Escribe fixed the problem momentarily only to fail again moments later. I did notice that uncharacteristically the mod was getting warm in the usb/adjustment buttons area.

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I don't have a proper continuity feature on my multimeter; but using resistance setting of 200 ohms (lowest) I not getting any readings on the meter. No it wont vape and
just get the Check Battery error. Strangely the thing does boot up and display when I put the batteries in; that section of the device would appear to be working.It also still detects ther's no 
atomizer fitted

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I have also noticed that plugging in the USB charger has no effect at all, other than Escribe does detect the power characteristics of the charger. I can still adjust the wattage, access presets and afjust temperature; just got no firing power
I guess what I'm really after - Is this a simple wiring fault which i may be able to repair or has a chip failed somewhere that controls the usb charging and power from batteries. Evolv or Wismec components.

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AnthonyH said:

I have also noticed that plugging in the USB charger has no effect at all, other than Escribe does detect the power characteristics of the charger. I can still adjust the wattage, access presets and afjust temperature; just got no firing power
I guess what I'm really after - Is this a simple wiring fault which i may be able to repair or has a chip failed somewhere that controls the usb charging and power from batteries. Evolv or Wismec components.

I'm thinking it has to do with the battery sled/wiring but you should file a ticket with Evolv and explain what it's doing... They will guide ya from there I think....


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Synoptex said:

Having the exact, exact, exact same issue with my brand new Triade. Only 2 puffs were made. Changed all the wirings to copper. Checked the fuse with multimeter - working. Any suggestions? I'm just wondering if it is a Chip or outside chip wirings/connections.

it shouldn't be drawing more than .5 amps when connected to escribe. you also have no cell voltages. you could of damaged the board while replacing the wires, can't say for sure. i do know for a fact the dna 200 onboard charger will NOT draw more than 1 amp while charging, ever, so that's a cause for concern. take it all back apart and double check your wiring and solder joints. also check the board for any missing/damaged components. can i ask, why did you feel the need to change the wiring?
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