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Tc coil builds


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Hello all new DNA user, recieved a vt167 today & am awaiting arrival of a vt75. Anyway to the point, my old smok mod would be very finicky reading tc using SS even with spaced built coils. Now my DNA seems to run temp mode ss with fused Clapton no spaced absolutely perfectly. Am I right in assuming I no longer need to space my coil wraps for tc or is it still good practice? Cheers Dan

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Cheers for the reply bud, now I've got some 26awg ni200 I'm thinking of putting a spaced build in my obs engine 10wraps per side. This should ohm out at about 0.050 is that safe for my DNA 250 to run that lower ohm? When I looked at spec sheets for dna250 it said only down to 0.1ohm in tc. For that in ni200 would have to be some seriously thin wire.

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You can run the full wattage range, the batteries don't care what ohms you are running.  Nothing toxic from Ni at vaping temps, especially using temp protection, wich and liquid are more likely to be an issue IMO, but they are still extremely unlikely to be an issue.  It will only degrade if you dry fire until it glows bright and even then it's far far better than SS or Ti, I do dry burn Ni, just not really bright.  I really like using Ni twisted, may favourite is 3x 0.2 mm strands, it handles more power, has better flavour, more reliable than clapton style coils plus makes it stiffer and easier to rewick.

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