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ability to configure device without a PC

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heya guys,

I love the dna200, however there is a few issues with it, that really annoys me when i am out and not able to be at a computer (no i cant bring a laptop to a family party or something, that would be ridiculous)

A menu would greatly help, with some basic functions such as:
Ohm adjustment, live ohm reader, reset puff counter, and other things you may think of that could be handy, (maybe some others can come with suggestions for other stuff lacking in menu, but i think the first 2 are essencial, exp if running in temp control and you switch coil or even take out the cotton and the coil moved some and changed resistance.)

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Wow really? When you are around a Windows machine, how many times a day are you connecting up to EScribe? I must be doing something wrong. Since I connect them up to EScribe once and set them to my liking and then go for months without ever connecting them up to EScribe again.

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I have adjusted a hot coil with EScribe when I know what the cold resistance is. Or I guess up and down until the vape feels like the temperature setting. But when I do throw a hot coil on normally, I just unlock the ohms (if locked) and adjust the temp down to about 200ºF and then adjust up or down accordingly. If I am chain vaping it will stay put at the temp I want to vape at.

Although if I sit it down, the DNA200 will grab the lowest resistance it cools down to as the new cold resistance and figures in the offset depending on the room temperature. And if it sits for about 10 to 15 minutes, most of my atomizers are pretty much at room temperature and now the temperature is dead on accurate once again. This seems easier to me than connecting up to EScribe or flipping through menus. Although I take it you rather do it through menus instead?

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Well when putting in a new coil it tends to be off by about +/-0.04-0.10 ohm's which in turn either burns my cotton or i get no vape. sure sometimes its without a hitch, but others its not.
I'm using stainless steel 316 btw, which may have an impact (stainless steel fused claptons) screwed down tight, even the RDA is screwed on tight (i use tools to do it, and 510 is clean).

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Yes I would like to see an option of adjusting preheat temp without escribe or a function of percentage of preheat power from what ever temp is set at there are times I would like to turn up or down preheat but can't gotta dig out my computer to hook up to escribe and that's only thing I use my computer for nowadays since I do everything on my Android...

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retird said:

hum....if you are burning cotton with a DNA you are not doing something right....o.O

well burning cotton when there is no liquid left. mostly at night times i do not have enough light to check if its wet enough, so i use taste to know when to drip.

Just now i rewicked my coils and the resistance rose up by 0.002, not much, but made it so barely any vapor came from it. manual adjustment allows you to get it perfect while on the road.
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The resistance was what when you started? And what did you change it to? By 0.002 ohms? And that made a difference in your vape?

Are you using TC wire to build with? If you are, you shouldn't get any burning with a dripper when it goes dry. All that happens when it is setup correctly is vapor production and flavor diminishes. I vape on a dripper about half of the time and I normally use TC Clapton coils (26g/32g).

What kind of juice are you vaping with anyway? And what is the PG/VG ratio? And what kind of temperature are you generally vaping at?

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And what kind of temperature, wattage, and preheat are you vaping at?  Burning cotton shouldn't happen..... as wick dries the DNA reduces power etc. causing less vapor and flavor production....the dryer the wick the less vape production until you get no production.... burning cotton may be an indication of coil hot-spots especially with contact coils...

How about a picture of the coil/ burned cotton combination...

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BillW50 said:

The resistance was what when you started? And what did you change it to? By 0.002 ohms? And that made a difference in your vape?

Are you using TC wire to build with? If you are, you shouldn't get any burning with a dripper when it goes dry. All that happens when it is setup correctly is vapor production and flavor diminishes. I vape on a dripper about half of the time and I normally use TC Clapton coils (26g/32g).

What kind of juice are you vaping with anyway? And what is the PG/VG ratio? And what kind of temperature are you generally vaping at?

was 0.15 before, became 0.152 (resistance goes up each time its dry burned).
ye i am using SS316 thats why the resistance matters to me, since TC is based on that.
I am vaping something called caramel cream custard

3mg nicotine. 9% caramel, 4% sweet cream, 10% vanilla custard 100% VG.
Gets very gunky, so change cotten once or twice a day.

i vape at 192C 130W preheat at 200W

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retird said:

And what kind of temperature, wattage, and preheat are you vaping at?  Burning cotton shouldn't happen..... as wick dries the DNA reduces power etc. causing less vapor and flavor production....the dryer the wick the less vape production until you get no production.... burning cotton may be an indication of coil hot-spots especially with contact coils...
How about a picture of the coil/ burned cotton combination...

true, but if the coil reduces reduces in resistance then it wont turn down due to the resistance is not the right one locked in the device.

cant handle a picture of burned cotton, but my coil is a contact coil consisting of 2x26 guage SS316 and 39 guage n80 spaced around each 26 guage, and a 39 guage around both of them (staggered fused clapton)

there is no hotspots, i make sure of that before putting cotton in each time, and i dont use too much cotton to deform the coils.
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Whoa! That is really cold. No wonder you have a hard time creating vapor. I had one e-juice like that called MBV Dream Tea (long discontinued). I loved it, but almost impossible to vape. After many trials and errors, it would be ok up to 192ºC. Any higher and it would caramelize. And when it did, some leaks back into the tank and in about 10 minutes through some chain reaction, the whole tank the flavor was totally gone. In a dripper it was easier since you kept dripping and hopefully vape it all before that happens.

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