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Gary T.

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  1. Hi Jake, Can you please tell me why every time I upload a newer version of a theme it never shows people the Pic of the main screen?? Its driving me nuts and I'm making a mess of uploading, deleting starting over etc.... Thanks in advance. Gary T.
  2. Yup got it, I thought settings in the Mod and Research tabs carried over, I see now they dont. Thanks!
  3. Jake, Just updated my comment, kept getting the lock screen, lock mod and unlock main screen mixed up lol. Thanks again
  4. Thanks Jake, For the resisstance I saved the profile, I figured it would carry over with the theme? Maybe not, in that case the user would have to save their own profile.
  5. Version 1.0.3


    A newer better UI system: (I fowled up the last theme so here's a newer version) Here is a theme I made up of all bits and pieces of other themes, hence the name. Its pretty simple as I made it so I could see it better with my cheater glasses lol, basically its just a tad brighter and utilizes bigger fonts. In Device Monitor mode, highlight the arrows and use the middle select button to move your stats either forward or backwards. Its basic and simple but I find it easer to see and use, hope you all enjoy it. -G-
  6. Well I was on the right track lol. Didn't know the stealth was "when firing" solved. Punch, ok I did have it on temp but not watt mode. Understood. Thanks for clearing that up brotha, much appreciated GT
  7. Lol yeah it is pretty cool. That's exactly what I did, I stated a folder with all pics from other thems. I have copied controls but when I add them to another screen they don't transfer? Sometimes the pic will but not it's control. I'm trying that with the punch feature (I renamed it Kick) but not successful yet. Question.. can that be used in wattage mode? And 2 what the hell do the levels mean in stealth mode, is it a brightness thing??
  8. Ahh Ok, Thanks for the tip. Needless to say I'm not a programmer so when I tinker with the themes I'm only tweaking fonts, colors, size etc lol, Here is one I changed just so my crappy eyes can see it better lol Hoeltchen_Theme_Ohm_Edition_US.ecigthemeGTNew.ecigthemeGTN.ecigtheme-v1.ecigtheme
  9. Can anyone tell me how or where you all get your animated theme pics?? Things like battery levels/gauges etc Thanks for any help.
  10. Hi Guys, I just wanted to say THANK YOU to all you guys who spend endless hours creating these awesome! Themes. I just got my new Lost Vape Paranormal and although I can tweak these themes for color or font size the rest is a bit daunting for me, before I know it everything just starts to go to crap on me LOL. I just love checking out and trying all your new themes. My eyes aren't the best so I'm looking for that right one that's big and colorful enough to see perfectly. Anyway thank you all for all your hard work, I know its most definitely appreciated by me. Gary T.
  11. Awesome! Fr33, Just got my tracking #today. I'll Update once mine come as well. I'll be down loading a theme from here and doctor it up to suit me, take waaaaaaaay to long to start from scratch.
  12. Still waiting for my Paranormal.......... Looks like I should have it by the end of the week. I also changed the color to Silver & Black Pearl Fish. Fr33sp1r1t got any pics of yours and or thoughts so far?
  13. Awesome T, Glad you like it, Lets see a handcheck Hey I ordered my Paranormal either Thursday or Friday from China! Today I get a news letter from a vendor in New York that says they have them IN STOCK and ready to chip, I live like 1.5 hours away from New York...... go figure..
  14. Tommybavfc, Did you get your Mod? wondering how you like it and what tank your using on it?
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