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Everything posted by Bapgood

  1. Possibly try turning the punch up as well as the preheat time. This may help get the coil up to temp easier and stay in temp mode when you have a cold coil.
  2. One thing you could do to help minimize the effects of the DNA dropping out of temp mode is to turn down the max wattage allowed for non-temp builds. Setting this really low should avoid a massive power burst if the DNA kicks out of temp mode. Also using the ohm lock should help.
  3. Most likely if the DNA is dropping out of temp mode it's due to a limited change in resistance while firing. There can be many causes for this. I'm not that familiar with the coil you are using, however I can see complicated coils causing more issues. I have a feeling you already know all this. However I do know that if everything is set up and built properly the DNA does a very good job at what it is supposed to do.
  4. Due to the recent spamming this forum has received new user registration has changed to combat the spamming. From now on the following questions are required. (Users entering random text or etc. will be denied) New users are now being manually being approved or denied. This is an inconvenience for everyone! So please be patient and we will get people added as quickly as possible. Full Name: (Mark private if you do not want your name know publicly) Location: What Evolv product was this forum created to support?
  5. Screen disconnected in debugging doesn't seem to be working. I have tried two boards, both 7/29 firmware. The screen disconnected in debugging always says 0 no matter if a screen is connected or not. These were tested using new unsoldered boards only powered by usb. Tried a reference mod (7/29 firmware) with a obviously connected screen and it also said 0.
  6. if we're using 33% less power wouldn't the amp draw also be reduced a similar amount?[/QUOTE] Amp draw actually goes up with 2S vs 3S for the same wattage. A=W/V
  7. Megahtron - To have the fuse replaced I would recommend contacting Evolv here or send John a PM and reference this thread.
  8. dna30god, there are a number of retailers that sell them. The first ones to come to mind are: Vape Dojo Protovapor Avid vapes
  9. I'm confused about what in the FAQ's is confusing people about the requirement of having to run a 3S battery? This is in the FAQ's Q: What is the battery requirment? A: Battery needs to be a 3S LiPo/LiFePo4/IMR lithium type battery capable of handling a constant load of the max 23 amps. Having some overhead is always a good thing. And I just deleted the FAQ entry about charging to 4.1v since its now a feature.
  10. Only one way to really find out. According to the specs it should work fine.
  11. Bern18462 - Do have the temperature accidentally turned off? In one of the pics the temperature readout showed ---F, which is usually the case when the temperature setting is set to off.
  12. A 3 cell battery needs to be used with the DNA200.
  13. Open EScribe and go to Tools-Update Firmware and rerun the firmware update if it doesn't automatically connect to the DNA and ask you and give you the update link.
  14. This thread has some information on the connector. However it looks like some are having a hard time finding the part number Evolv specified.
  15. That may be a tricky job to swap out the connector. I would probably see about RMA if it was me. However I will see if I can get a part number.
  16. I believe that is how it is intended. However Evolv may be able to add the ability to switch them in EScribe.
  17. Jcca1973 - Can you post more information and pics?
  18. I will let someone from Evolv confirm/explain for sure why it didn't set the charge value when you charged it. However I believe the DNA might need a full discharge/charge cycle after changing the capacity to update itself.
  19. In the device monitor go to Diagnostics - Set Charge Estimate and input the approximate Wh. Easier to set when its fully charged and you can just set it to the 24.42 Wh.
  20. What is the battery specs? What do you have the capacity set to in EScribe? What does the Device Monitor show the charge Wh as?
  21. I'm just going to throw this out since I have no idea about coding and all that jazz....but I figure if it was fairly easy to do that Evolv wold have thought about it already....anyway. What about a web based client?
  22. My personal opinion is that a heat sink isn't needed. If you plan on running at 200 watts all of the time and chain vape like crazy you might hit the board over temp shut down, but that kind of vaping is just craziness IMO. I have been testing the board for quite a while and can't remember ever hitting the board over temp shut down with the 200, even when testing at 200 watts.
  23. Like I said it's just my opinion but there or several aspects/features of the reference mod design that aren't conducive for 3D printing, especially filament style printers.
  24. If you want to have the files machined then yes they should be good to go. But machine shops don't typically use STL files in my experience.
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