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Serenity E

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Everything posted by Serenity E

  1. You can use a 75c theme on the 250c without a problem, but the 250c offers a number of unique features which aren't catered for on most 75c themes, I suggest you find a theme that states specifically that it will work fine on both... You can edit a theme from here and change the way it works - but there's a steep learning curve! What's the theme you're asking about? Serenity x
  2. You need to edit the description and give credit to the original creator of the theme it's based on... A link to their version would also be appreciated!
  3. Nice work on the theme though! She used to be stunning, but now reminds me of one of these..
    Love this! Makes me think of Amiga games for some reason! Hope you don't mind my remix... 😛 Paul
  4. Version 1.5


    I used two fonts: Data Gothic (a free typeface by The Fontry) and Bell Gothic from the Adobe Font Folio. Both were tweaked for the theme. Let me know if you want the files. This theme is based on the amazing Hyperion Theme by @copyman . This one has new wallpapers, cleaner text/layout. If you have problems with the theme, or want to send me comments or feedback, then feel free to send me an email ( serenity@enderson.co.uk ) or inbox me on the Evolv Forum. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 Stay safe and vape on! Serenity x
  5. Version 1.0.1


    Inspired by the amazing B-2 Spirit Theme by @etab75 Credits: The font used for everything is a customised version of JLS Data Gothic (a free typeface by The Fontry) with glyphs for the ohm symbol (o) and the home icon (h). If you have problems with the theme, or want to send me comments/feedback, then feel free to send me an email (serenity@enderson.co.uk) or inbox me on the Evolv Forum. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0). That means modify and share your creations freely, but don't make money from them! 😛 Stay safe and vape on! Serenity x
    Nicely done! Looks like the interface for an Atari ST game... 😛
  6. I really like this! It reminds me of an Atari ST game...
  7. Firstly, thanks from another one of those 5 users you predicted in your OP... I was curious, so I did some extensive digging! Desktop Linux use is currently something like 2.35% (https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/desktop/worldwide) and Canalys estimating the number of installed PCs and laptops worldwide to reach 1.77 billion by the end of 2021 (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-tech-hardware-yearend-idUSKBN28Y12M) that means there's something like 41,595,000 people using desktop Linux... Just a few more than your estimate! 😛 I do personally have a single issue: not all of the screen thumbnails (in the scroller on the right of the Theme Designer screen) are being shown properly. Clicking on where the thumbnail should be still brings it up for editing on the left, but it's like the graphics are only being drawn for the screens visble in the window when it first opens. I'm running KDE Neon 5.22 - let me know if I can provide any more information to help you squash it! Cheers! Paul
  8. Version 1.7


    Red remix of my original Astro Naughty theme The pink version is here: Hope you enjoy it! 😛 Serenity x
    Really loving the rainbow accents! You should really state other themes you've adapted (SirTimmyTimbit's Guages for example) and check that he's OK with the release, as the CC licence he chose restricts adaptations..! 😛 Paul
  9. Forget that! Just loaded it up to see... You'll have to reach out to whoever made it and ask them for the font they used.
  10. Just Google for the font's name and add "ttf" or "font" to the search...
  11. Version 1.7


    Released to celebrate my 44th birthday (19 April 2021) and my ten-year vapiversary (21 April 2021). Acknowlegements I used two fonts: JLS Data Gothic (a free typeface by The Fontry) and DIN 1451 from the Adobe Font Folio Some of the theme logic was borrowed from the Material-ish theme by @SirTimmyTimbit The icons are all taken from the Google Material Icons library If you have problems with the theme, or want to send me comments/feedback, then feel free to send me an email (serenity@enderson.co.uk) or inbox me on the Evolv Forum. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 Stay safe and vape on! Serenity x
  12. Just another quick note, in case someone searches for font problems in the future... If the font you wan't to use has any kind of license restriction (i.e. not 'properly installable' in Windows) then it wont show up in the Theme Designer font list, regardless of how it's inststalled! The only way around this is to: 1. Download/install a font editor (I use FontForge personally) 2. Open the Font Information window for the font 3. In the "OS/2" section, on the "Misc" tab, change the OS/2 value under the Misc tab and set the Embeddable property to "Installable Font" 4. Generate the modified TTF file 5, Right-click on the file you just generated and choose "Install For All Users" from the popup 6. Exit the Theme Designer and reload - the font should now be listed and usable! Hope this helps someone. Paul
  13. You're a star! I have over 2500 fonts installed and am working on themes I plan to release soon. Sadly, most of my decent fonts weren't coming up in the Theme Designer list. Did your all users install trick and loads more are available Thanks for sharing the solution! Paul
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