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Everything posted by Jentz9517

  1. Thanks Chunky Butt - if I did get this chromebook working I was going to possibly slit the charge wire in the USB becuz I didn't want to tax the battery in it. Sucks I was hoping to get it to work with escribe cuz it seems to be a screamin little laptop
  2. Yeah he was running an acer c720 - so I guess I'd better just return this ?
  3. It's been done with a chromebook I just need to find out how
  4. not sure ? its a rockchip rk3288 quad-core its the asus c201
  5. no another member accessed it with ubuntu, virtual box 5, and windows 7 but that was back in July so I am just baffled on whats available for most efficient route.. hopefully blueridgedog will see this and assist, I read his tutorial for mac users but dunno if its the same
  6. ya its a chromebook though I tried downloading regular and it didnt take It said find suitable replacement app since escribe runs on Windows I think I gotta download ubuntu or crouton or something like that.. i dunno anyhow pm replied Its in the drawer waiting for you.. ;-)
  7. What needs to be downloaded to get escribe up and running with an asus c201 chromebook with an arm processor? Can anyone with experience please list steps? I have limited knowledge and just got this laptop today.. Much Appreciated
  8. I just bought a nifty little chromebook the asus c201 it has an arm processor so I guess Its able to run other systems ? I really dont know squat about computers.. My question is what is the quickest most efficient route for downloading Escribe via apps or otherwise??.. Thanks alot
  9. Problem is when you leave device monitor it automatically resets to default current setting
  10. Got it on Fasttech- no offense taken. I would have to think of a fair counter offer but your not far off- I definately no I can't get what's paid out
  11. Never ran analyzer but they seem fine didn't have to run recovery on them - the spare I bought from manufacturer was at 3.7 all balanced- I never used the supplied charger. I don't trust it- I have cell cut off at 3.2v I will hook it up to monitor and take a shot when I get to laptop yes it's from FT
  12. Make an offer- After the newness of the Wismec wore off- I now realize how much I like the form factor of the Dx for leaving the house- I had an Efusion for awhile but didn't care for that and just this week I wiped the dust off the Hotcig and put it to use a bit- the 510 is seated wrong but that's and easy fix- don't know if you notice much in pic.its miniscule
  13. Nice- I have been in need of a new laptop for awhile now- I even had my internet disconnected since I didn't use it much- but am thinking on dropping lousy cable tv bill and picking up internet again then running my Apple TV and one of the streaming providers. That asus c201 seems like a decent computer although I don't know much about them (by design) Lol I guess I should learn more to avoid confusion. Doesn't make sense I know. hey I know I will offset my cost by selling you my Hotcig with an extra battery and an Ashtabula installed new board. Ey
  14. Ya I see a better one now for same price $95 http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00VQP3DNY/ref=psd_mlt_bc_B00VQP3DNY
  15. Need a new small notebook on the real cheap- Just for basic web surfing holding some pictures and files I saw an acer chromebook at Amazon for like $95 - really don't know what to look for as far as processor and memory storage - This is the one I'm talking about let me know http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00MMLV7VQ?tag=androidcentralb-20&m1k=d_ac
  16. Dunno man I had one of those and it had an extremely stiff spring so that's probably not your problem- ohms never fluctuated to that point anyhow good luck
  17. What device? i dont suppose you have set your MOD resistance ? my builds have been reading steady although I know it fluctuates not enough to change my resistance +\- unless I take atty off then back on it is set at default which is 25% sounds like your 510 or your atty or lead connections
  18. It's an app you may try 2.5mm and more wraps than 6 your using 26gauge? Not sure all I can say is get with someone if possible in your area to check you
  19. Ya sounds really strange - I would try a hard reboot maybe or take to local vape shop and gave someone troubleshoot or double check what your doing - you may try resetting to default and start from scratch - don't know what atomizer you run ? Some are worse than others- the csv that you have is not the Clapton v2 right ? I dunno but I do know that Jaquiths file is awesome- why don't you try just 1 coil wick it juice it and vape see what it does ? Actually maybe you shouldn't vape it please be specific on what your coil is you stay 2.5 6 wrap is it 1 coil 2? Because it doesn't jive with coil master pro gr1?
  20. Have you got the latest version Escribe? 10-21-15 get it by going to 1st page of early firmware - Not sure this is what it would be but its what I run and I have no problems- you say you read the craftvapery tutorial and followed that? First thing you should do is use spaced coils
  21. Post a picture of your build real quick if you could so I can get an idea of what your working with and note inside diameter
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