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black lace

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Everything posted by black lace

  1. Not from evolv, but might be a simple better connection at the 510 or firing button diference, because as allready said , preheat punch and hard soft only work on tc coils, if you look on escribe .. general tab .. it is writen anove the temp settings.. temp control only..
  2. Yep its all a good idear and great when ya get one that works, but unfortunatly i wouldnt trust any of the components in a car, motorcycle, helicopter, plane ect, so all in, a bit racked off, seeing that its my lungs at test, they need to bring the price down and in line with its worth.. to say theres a lot of clones of mods about may even be an understatement, ive been heavy handed tearing some apart to build outher things and theyve been solid and reliable, but you can get the impression at the moment that we are all nurse mading these boards allong for the research of the firm and payed with cash and hours and hours of headach and building time..to find that after a matter of hours use a chip burns out or screen ribbon cracks, surly logical explanation is cheep components. And poor design. to suggest that all mod builders including factories on a comercial scale who have encounterd problems is down to theirselves... dont think so... built six sent two back currently still waiting for the second to show up, ive done the work allready now got to redo it, saying sorry for your inconvinience aint hood enough realy when your compedent at soldering and assembly, am looking at the SXJ boards... I do realise fairness to the company they could put foreward " this is how many weve sold in the last ten months and this is how many weve had back scenario" which makes me feel there are several posts on the forum where private builders have sent several back, myself included, 2 out of six, but not buiying direct makes me question have the boards been buggered about with by the merchants I bought them off, myself 2 boards each off three diferent merchants, evolv should seal the box with tamperproof tape to cover the back of themselves and the merchant, but also the question of b grade and a grade..........
  3. I had a goblin off the post man yesterday morning.. awsome...
  4. Thats normal power delivery and part of what the DNA boards are all about, its an actual real time read out measurement of whats going on...
  5. I think the phrase should be moor like bending, what im getting at is.. rather than one tight fold, two or three less shear bends close together to achieve the same position you whant it in. I also agree the screen shortage is a very poor show, they should have come up with several alternatives by now. What is it several months or somthing now.. It must be a dark cloud over the whole product.
  6. What do you mean by lags?? Slow to respond to button presses?
  7. I allways use an authentic mobile phone charger, they seem to have a lot moor technology to them, had you plugged that into a travel adaptor, chances are you would fry it but not your mod, i have seen one house fire where a charging e cig has flown across a room and landed under a settee and the whole place has gone up.. think yourselfe lucky you can replace a board..
  8. I would try rebuilding and if your coils are prebuilt and also contain cotton my experiance is the cotton wick is allways to tight and needs reducing by half to get better juice flow. Then start at 25 watt 430 temp and work your way up..
  9. Sussed it.. downloaded fire fox as a seperate brouser and just open wire wizzard and save the files from there .and like you say goes straight through soon as i clik load csv in escribe my saved list comes up to select from..
  10. what program do you load the csv file into because it says I cant do it with internet explorer and a link comes up for the app store and theirs only one program or app that shows up and the feedback for it is very poor and you have to pay and also people are saying it has a virus........
  11. locked in stealth mode, lol would they not see that selected in escribe and select default settings, renegade jade .... try open escribe first page on general tab, select restor defaults.
  12. You should have recieved an email to confirm they recieved the ticket and it will tell you on that email what to do if you dont get a replie, if you didnt get that confirmation email you must have filled the ticket in and incorrecly typed your contact details
  13. Also a custom section for mod builders. And also a links section. Also a juice section, no one mentions what juice theyr using eg vg/pg ratio to whatever coil builds its a progressive way forward for an early adopters forum..
  14. Press ya firing button a second beffor ya take a drag.
  15. Thanx from me to i wondered what thoes pictures were about lol
  16. I recon power surge on initial start up, cuz it only happens on cold start up for me, put it in stealth mode and you wont know, and it doesn't stop it functioning. and if jesus hates you, you've got away lightly........
  17. are you checking resistance from the bottom of the atty , with the mulit tester, this is where the mod will be doing it at the 510 connector on mod, is point of contact, if your putting two ends of a multi tester across each lead of a coil I don't think 0.02 is much of a loss. hope that ain't as clear as mud
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