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  1. 2 things. I didn't include the link because it didn't have 'Replay', the comments about the snow in the wallpaper and the other link posted seemed more complete. I only searched 2 words, with 2 extra options after clicking that magnifying glass. 'Files' and 'all words'. Glad you're set.
    2 points
  2. These are rough comparisons between the two boards screens and their physical sizes. Proper engineering diagrams would show exact dimensions, visible areas and bordering. NOTE: The "viewable" screen area on the DNA60C is the same size as the DNA60 and falls in the same location ⬇️ Black and white DNA60 ⬇️ ⬇️ Color DNA60C ⬇️
    2 points
  3. It appears that Windows 11 can be made to run from a USB flash drive. It also appears that apps can be added to the Win 11 image prior to creating the bootable flash drive.
    1 point
  4. I removed the cell from my mod with a DNA100C and it will not connect to EScribe without it. Did you have yours powered with a battery? So yes it must be powered with a battery.
    1 point
  5. I'm pretty sure the 7 year old 'DJLsb Vapes Therion Theme' v 1.0.0 posted here by himself would not be a derivation.
    1 point
  6. Is this it? This is probably Stepladder theme before they added all of the extras. This one only has Replay added. DJLsb Theme with Replay.ecigtheme
    1 point
  7. In my signature line, see that link 'Help Desk', click on that, you'll be talking directly to Evolv.
    1 point
  8. Is yours working fine now? I think that mod does NOT use the firing button on the board, instead using an external button. Not sure about the 2 smaller buttons, but a wonky fire button would screw things up. Have they actually replaced boards? EDIT: Both small buttons and the USB connector are on a daughter board. So NO ON-BOARD buttons at all are used.
    1 point
  9. Hello 👋 You musta figured out your issues and abandoned this post❓
    1 point
  10. Did ya figure out your issue, or still gonna post a Device Monitor screenshot?
    1 point
  11. Version 1.0.1


    DNA60C Rift Theme which has been slightly customized. Background changed. Replay graphics customized Live Ohm display on the main screen Profile display moved Live Ohm display in Main Profile
    1 point
    fino ad oggi il miglior tema per dna60c
    1 point
  12. Why do my dna60 c screens just stop randomly working and have to be replaced?.. . only to have the replacement screens do the same thing. They end up super pixilated or just completely out except for the back light ? It’s not the mod because it’s happened on multiple different dna60cs
    1 point
  13. Thanks @Jimmi5. These color screens are very delicate and more care is required when installing them, right down to the routing when attached to the board. Ideally Ravens Moon has that figured out by now. I've seen others with a regular simple BilletBox style routing with over 25K puffs. If you think you can button it all up neater than them, watching out for what I said, go for it. One last thing. Even if there is/was a bad batch of screens, it would be their issue, not yours. Hoping they take care of you properly.
    1 point
  14. @TonyButtons we cannot see that video. Can you edit your post and delete the video in the body of the post, leaving the mp4 upload intact down low.
    1 point
  15. Did either of you keep one or more of the dead screens and can you post a photo of them (screen down, showing the cable end up)? What make mods?
    1 point
  16. Glad you got it all working. 😊
    1 point
  17. Hello, Attached is the DNA 80 Screen data sheet. Evolv 128128 Screen DNA 80.PDF
    1 point
  18. So you meant micro USB not usb/c <- that's why I needed that photo to ensure it was a DNA device. 😊 Is that a straight USB-A to micro USB plugged directly into your iMac (no funky Y cable or anything)?
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Hello, @Wayneo Posting these on behalf of timbuc2dan. He came to the support desk. I think he just needs to download the newest version of Escribe - it can be found here : https://www.evolvapor.com/escribe
    1 point
  21. Periodic table. Thats Iron, Chromium, Aluminium, an alloy we/they call Kanthal. 😊
    1 point
  22. No. Exactly what I NEED is 1 screenshot in the link below, NOT HERE. POST ANSWER THERE.
    1 point
  23. Yup, but I won't ask more questions because I'm still waiting for 1 photo and 1 screenshot 😄
    1 point
  24. Start escribe with no mod plugged in. Under 'escribe' click about. Post screenshot of that. Take photo of mod, post that.
    1 point
  25. What model of HCigar mods do you have?
    1 point
  26. Say Peter. I've heard this complaint about the DNA250C many times. And I have tested the DNA250C boards many times. I have 25 DNA250C mods and 5 spare boards. And I get the same results every time. Here is how they work. If using any firmware higher than SP33.xx, the board will take 24 hours before it goes into deep sleep. And every time you wake the screen up, the 24 hour timer restarts back to zero. So if you just wake the screen up just once every 24 hours, it will continue to drain the batteries at a high rate. Because the board will never enter deep sleep. Now if the screen doesn't light up after 24 hours, the drain will stop since it is now in deep sleep mode. You will know this by pressing the up, down, and select buttons and the screen doesn't light up. If it does light up (you didn't wait 24 hours) and the deep sleep timer starts allover again. How much it drains the batteries depends on the battery capacity. But for most, it drains about 4% in 24 hours. Want to instantly put it into deep sleep? Here's how I do it. Disconnect the batteries for about 10 seconds. Then reconnect them. The board will be in deep sleep mode. Press the up, down, or select button and the screen won't light up. And the batteries won't drain. Or wait 24 hours and it will also be in deep sleep by then. Don't like this 24 hour wait? I sure don't and neither does Vaperz Cloud who sells the HOG DNA400C (it's using a DNA250C board). As they sell all of them with SP33 firmware installed. And all of my DNA250C mods, I too only run SP33 firmware. As SP33 only waits an hour then it enters deep sleep mode. This drains the batteries 24 times less in 24 hours. I've left some DNA250C mods with batteries installed for years and I check them about once a year and the battery charge is still fine. By the way, nice finding a new Dovpo Riva DNA250C. I have two of them myself and they are a very nice mod. I haven't seen anybody have any in stock for at least two years now.
    1 point
  27. Version 1.0.4


    This is a Flavorful remake of @Magigamix 's digital landscape 1.0.2 and is made in a great new chocolaty display tone that is warmer to the eyes and the stomach. Digital-Landscape-Chocolate-Edition1.0.3.ecigtheme
    1 point
  28. If there is already a material the TCR can still be changed. Go to the material tab and click on "Actions" button. There you can change the TCR value. For some reason the default TCR was 0.006 for every material. If you still change it to let it say 0.0092 this setting will be on every material on the device. This is strange and seems to be a bug on escribe and on the firmware.
    1 point
  29. How you change the TCR in escribe? Isnt this fixed ? When you choose a material ?
    1 point
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