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Overheating of the Board "Chip too hot"


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Hello my friends,


I use a mod with the dna 100c chip connected with a 510 extension cable which is connected to a heater. The resistance of the cable is 0.015 ohm and the resistance of the heater is 0.210 ohm. After less than 5 minutes of use the mod gets the error "chip too hot". Because the temperature of the board (red data in chart) is over 80°C. But there is no heat source near of the mod. The cable is cold, the battery is cold. The heater is hot as visible in chart (dark blue) with temperature set at 230 °C but the heater is far away from the mod. The extension cable length is 60cm. There at the lighning symbol was the error chip too hot. What is the problem with this board? Is there something defect? I have other dna 100c mods that have no problem with the board temperature with the exact same setup..


In the diagram is a heating session first with a pre heat and than continous session with under 20 Watts after the temperature is reached. But even with this "low" power the board heats up over time. 




I'm very thankful for help!! I can also provide more information if needed

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Looks like about 92 watts hitting 0.225Ω. That means the output is 4.55v @ 20.22A using ohms law. And the board is drawing more than 20A from the battery. Since the board is also boosting the voltage. 92w / 3.6v = 25.56A from the battery. That is a lot of current the board has to deal with. That alone is going to cause the board to heat up. And most mod batteries will also heat up (>80°C) drawing 25A from them for minutes at a time as well. And the average battery will run from full to empty in about 8 minutes at that rate. That is a lot of heat in an enclosed tight space found in mods.

Sure I have plenty of DNA100C mods too. And I haven't seen one board hit higher than 50°C yet. But I haven't used one at 92 watts firing for minutes at a time either. The mod is probably going to need some vents (or bigger ones) at least if not more at that extreme.

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Thank you for the answers!


Sorry the colors are a bit misleading in the chart. The power is light blue and the temperature of the heater is darker blue. It has never over 70 watts ( very short time) and then only around 20 watts over the time. I think this is a expected power over such a timeframe from a dna100c mod?


edit: left y-axis in the chart is power for the light blue data. right y-axis is temperature for the red and dark blue data.

Edited by cloudzey
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vor 41 Minuten schrieb dwcraig1:

Are your other DNA100's that don't overheat in the same type of enclosure?

No not exactly. The other two that work good have a metal enclosure and a little more space. Models are lostvape thelema solo dna100c and hadron mini dna100c. The one with the heat problems is 3d printed plastic from rebelvape.

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vor 12 Stunden schrieb BillW50:

Looks like about 92 watts hitting 0.225Ω. That means the output is 4.55v @ 20.22A using ohms law. And the board is drawing more than 20A from the battery. Since the board is also boosting the voltage. 92w / 3.6v = 25.56A from the battery. That is a lot of current the board has to deal with. That alone is going to cause the board to heat up. And most mod batteries will also heat up (>80°C) drawing 25A from them for minutes at a time as well. And the average battery will run from full to empty in about 8 minutes at that rate. That is a lot of heat in an enclosed tight space found in mods.

Sure I have plenty of DNA100C mods too. And I haven't seen one board hit higher than 50°C yet. But I haven't used one at 92 watts firing for minutes at a time either. The mod is probably going to need some vents (or bigger ones) at least if not more at that extreme.

Sorry the colors are a bit misleading in the chart. The power is light blue and the temperature of the heater is darker blue. It has never over 70 watts ( very short time) and then only around 20 watts over the time. I think this is a expected power over such a timeframe from a dna100c mod?


edit: left y-axis in the chart is power for the light blue data. right y-axis is temperature for the red and dark blue data.

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I'm just guessing here as to what else might be the probem if it's not what's already mentioned.

On the board there are two inductors and there have been cases where one either falls off or breaks connection. The board will work with  just one. These are where I woud expect would be the component that would give off the most heat. Maybe you can see if the both feel about the same temperture after hard use. 


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vor 6 Minuten schrieb dwcraig1:

I'm just guessing here as to what else might be the probem if it's not what's already mentioned.

On the board there are two inductors and there have been cases where one either falls off or breaks connection. The board will work with  just one. These are where I woud expect would be the component that would give off the most heat. Maybe you can see if the both feel about the same temperture after hard use. 


This board looks different than the one from dna 100c? It has only one of this inductors. And the one get's really warm.

Does anyone know where is the temperature sensor for the error: "chip too hot"?

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Can you start escribe, go under 'file', do a 'save' of your mod setup, and post the .ecig file here, please.

If you're also a nicotine vaper, you could use this mod and see if the problem still occurs.

Did you buy this mod new, and has this always happened?

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb Wayneo:

Can you start escribe, go under 'file', do a 'save' of your mod setup, and post the .ecig file here, please.

If you're also a nicotine vaper, you could use this mod and see if the problem still occurs.

Did you buy this mod new, and has this always happened?



No I'm not a nicotine vapor or have any coil for liquid vaping..

Yes I bought the mod new from a store, which I think works together with the manufacturer I believe. I have this mod since january and this problem occured very few times in the colder months but it occured when used a bit heavier. Now since it's hotter temperatures it overheats faster. With my other dna100c mods the board temperature never surpassed 50°C with a much stronger power demand. (Just for comparison)

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb Wayneo:

Thanks, i was just looking at the mod setup parameters and they appear all stock/standard so that's not THE issue. 

Thank you for checking!


vor 5 Stunden schrieb dwcraig1:

Yep, only 1, my mistake.

Here is one of my DNA100C mods.


For me it looks kind of similar to mine.. 



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vor 5 Stunden schrieb Wayneo:

That's right, the 100C only has 1 inductor, and it's supposed to get hot. There is a thermistor near that inductor that senses the board temperature

btw do you know which one is the board temperature thermistor? or are there more thermistor for temperature measurement?

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