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it restarts from the preset when changing the battery


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Is this a DNA75C, 100C, or a 250C? Because if it is, there is a tiny battery mounted on the board that charges when you place your battery(s) in the mod. If the battery has been out for say 10 minutes or more, then that tiny battery is dead and needs to recharge which can take hours since it charges very slowly. And that tiny battery is responsible for retaining memory.

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59 minuti fa, BillW50 ha scritto:

È un DNA75C, 100C o 250C? Perché se lo è, c'è una piccola batteria montata sulla scheda che si carica quando inserisci la batteria nel mod. Se la batteria è rimasta spenta per circa 10 minuti o più, allora quella piccola batteria è scarica e deve essere ricaricata, il che può richiedere ore poiché si carica molto lentamente. E quella piccola batteria è responsabile della conservazione della memoria.

and yes then that will surely be the problem, the internal battery is not very charged, because actually now it does but not always, it alternates a bit, so I assume it is starting to charge. A thousand thanks

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Oh there is no tiny battery in the DNA60. The DNA60 does save when it goes to deep sleep after an hour if you don't press any buttons. You can check if it is in a deep sleep state by pressing the up and down buttons and the screen doesn't light up. If it does light up, you have to wait an hour for it to deep sleep again. Although your problem maybe something else, but I would try to let it deep sleep first before changing the battery to see if that corrects it. I know, you probably won't want to wait with every battery swap and I wouldn't expect you to. Just whenever you can.


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So I deceided to try to duplicate this problem. Here is what happens for me. I'm using a profile and change it to another and select it with the fire button. But if I don't fire that new profile and remove and replace the battery it reverts back to the original profile. Now if I fire the new profile and remove and replace the battery the new profile stays put.

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