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lost vape thelama solo 100c with vaperz cloud asgard rda


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i am fairly new to dna chip but have some experience with my lost vape orion plus. I built my tank with ohm centric 27/36 n80 aliens coils (5 wrap 3mm .12 ohm) i checked ohms and it is correct. my question is, is there any good starting points for my mod i feel it has slow ramp up also any suggestions to get the best out of my setup? thanks in advance!


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Your coil choice sounds solid for that setup! I remember when I first dived into custom coils; it was a game-changer for flavor and performance. For the slow ramp-up, try tweaking your wattage a bit higher to see if that helps. Also, ensure your battery is fully charged. As for getting the best out of your mod, experimenting with different coil positions and airflow settings can make a big difference.

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