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Replay stopped working


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  On 4/17/2018 at 1:56 PM, retird said:

What "stuff" did you mess with?

Is "Support Replay on this profile" still checked?


I was only changing things like step down size.  I HATE 10th of a watt of 5 degrees at a time.


Support Replay is checked on all temp coils and Replay profile.


What is, "Saved Puff, Playing." I've tried it with and without.  I've also UNlocked resistance on all.

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Now it has stopped working again.  I get the feeling it's because I've been using a Kanthal coil at times.  Replay is not available after using Kanthal it seems.  I've even gone to the profile for the coil type before going to replay profile.


I'm using the Paranormal Red profile and the word, "Available" is there instead of replay

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  On 4/18/2018 at 12:37 PM, iambyrdman said:

Didn't work.  I'm wondering if it's a physical install problem at this point. 


I'd send it to Evolv but they have not replied to 2 RMA requests!!!


My apologies.

I don't see any tickets in our system recently, how are you trying to contact us? Get a ticket in here and we would be happy help.


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  On 4/18/2018 at 2:51 PM, Nick said:

My apologies.

I don't see any tickets in our system recently, how are you trying to contact us? Get a ticket in here and we would be happy help.



Hey Nick it's Winston.  Let me know when you get back to eating pizza and I will totally come see you!


I'm pretty sure what's how I did it before but I just did it again.


"Your ticket has been successfully submitted! Ticket ID: EZX-GJX-4X3X"

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Only reply I have is... Welp I lost my replay too.  Yes it was working great before............  I went into theme designer and changed the .1  increments to 5 and changed the background to the hump mountain bg that came with escribe,  Didn't think I did anything else though. After getting frustrated, I came here, found this thread, saw the paranormal 250c link, so tried that. Nope didn't work, so  tried to restore defaults. Nope  that was a no go too,...so really got adventurous and whet to the themes here to try one of them,  to see if  maybe one of them would somehow help. Nope. so went back to default and basically all I have is a 2 day old Think Vape Finder 250c with no replay, Great! Not! I own 7 dna devices  4 diy ( 2x 200 and 2x250) and 3 china manufactured ones, 2 of them are 200s and the other a 250 and now this 250c. I had thought I'd be pretty salty in escribe with this  one , but have learned that I know nothing now.

HELP! Everything here in this thread so far  offered as advice hasn't. worked for me.  I'm very lost now,, 

ps: I downloaded the international version of escribe  and installed it before I ever plugged the device into my computer .  I saw no where in escribe  to "ask for ohms for every profile". Well no where under the general tab or on each profile page I didn't see it,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Same here. it worked out the box after ticking the boxes for allow replay and puff saved playing also allow dubious coils. it started to play up a bit but sometimes worked. Now it won't work and everytime i go into escribe the save puff playing box is unticked for ss316.

I also put the old escribe on to put replay on my DNA75c and had no luck at all with that the replay has never worked , yes i put the sp's on both had the sp 33.2 installed so i must be doing something wrong, i tried reloading the paranormal file and restoring defaults. to say i am peeved is about right as i own 15 DNA devices and never had an issue with the old boards.

I will dig out my ols atlantis tank and stick a ni200 coil in to see if it is ss316, 316l causing the problem.

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I had Replay 'working' in TC mode. Then, I was informed that Replay was meant for wattage users and would work best in that mode.
Setting my profile to 'Watts' didn't produce any vapor, just the Check Atomizer warning.
After a bit, I decided to try a different method to get Replay working as intended.

I use SS430, so was using that as my material. When I did that, the mod was somewhat confused. I saw Temp instead of volts on the display and could only change Temp from the main display, no wattage. I think it worked, but as TC is solid I couldn't really tell.

Anyway, I changed my settings. On the mod tab, I chose Allow dubious coils and unchecked Support only temperature-sensing coils.
Then I set up a profile to use Replay in power/wattage mode.

And, it works a treat. I have wattage displayed for change, and see volts instead of temp. Plus, it works as shown by device monitor. No temp displayed there now.




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I am facing the same problem. 

I have paranormal 250c. As soon as I got it, I downloaded the international version and saved the default settings in case I mess up something. 

I set up 2 titanium profiles. One was temp control and the other was Replay. It worked fine for a day and a half.


  On 4/20/2018 at 6:36 AM, rask116 said:

  I went into theme designer and changed the .1  increments to 5 and changed the background to the hump mountain bg that came with escribe,  Didn't think I did anything else though.


I did same thing @rask116 did ^

After uploading settings, my 2nd titanium profile (the replay enabled) was different. I no longer have the replay option there. Now, looking at the mod, there isn't a difference between my 2 titanium profiles. They both show wattage and temperature.  No option to "save".

I checked my profiles on escribe. Everything was in order.  Same as @iambyrdman

  On 4/17/2018 at 2:02 PM, iambyrdman said:

Support Replay is checked on all temp coils and Replay profile.


I unchecked the replay options and rechecked them. Uploaded settings without any luck.

I then downloaded the original settings I saved earlier before making any change, but still no replay option for my 2nd titanium profile.


Has anyone found a way to solve this mystery?

Any ideas @Nick

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I got this reply from a ticket from the help desk which stated: "Connect the device to EScribe and from the top dropdowns try Edit > Timeline and see if it will let you go back to before it was changed."  I ended up, however,  trying a few other themes from the download section and found one that worked. "gauges". The only downside to this theme is that it is incredibly hard, if not impossible, to see while outside or in a vehicle.  But it got me back to having the replay on all profiles.

BTW, replay works in temp mode as it was designed to do originally, only later, after some software updates, did replay start working in watt mode or Kanthal. It wasn't originally meant to work in wattage or non-temp sensing wire. But it works on all vape wire now. Just make sure you have a good material .csv profile from wire wizard

( mind you that wire wizards profiles are for dna 200 chips, so some tweaking will need to be done with the  .csv files for the 250c. IE: I use nothing but 317L ss wire and had to play around with the .csv file for a while to get it acting right with the dna 250c. worked without flaw on the 200 and 250 but it wasn't acting right with the 250 c.  Probably due to the chip being able to do 300watts which of course change the temp ranges even if you don't ever go  or use 300, 200 watts))

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Correction to above post

I typed: "Probably due to the chip being able to do 300watts"

which should have read: Probably due to the chip being able to do 400 watts total which of course, changes the temp ranges even if you don't ever go to  or use 400, 300, 200 watts

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The same thing happened with me. Have got the device today. Latest(only?) int firmware installed. Replay was working.
Before even having my hands on the device, already have downloaded a replacement Theme, Material-ish Fire - DNA75c - DNA250c Optimized 1.1.0
Installed the mentioned Theme, but didn't like it so in EScribe I clicked on default Theme. Since then, Replay stopped working. I tried to find the Default Theme, without luck. So I tried to upload the mentioned Theme again.

Voilà, Replay is working again. 

So I believe, the Default Theme included in EScribe has an older Theme, doesn't support Replay. Of course, I'm not 100% sure. 



Hope it helps


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  • 7 months later...

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