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It just died. What have I done?


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So I have a hotcig dna device and love it. I put on a kanthal dual coil the other day at .3 ohm. Fired great for a few times. Then suddenly everything went dark. No pop or magic smoke came out that I could see. Tried to return it to Gearbest and of course they are refusing to honor the 45 day unconditional warranty because they can. avoid gearbest if possible as a note. But I saw about a fuse and tried firing with the USB hooked up. No luck. Nothing. No screen lights and not detected by the PC. Any other ideas? Did I kill it somehow? I did not realize I could cause damage to the chip by firing at .3 ohm, still very doubtful the chip failed but have tried charging with a different charger and all that jazz. No luck. Any ideas?

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Thanks for the info. I will give it a shot and check the fuse. I am holding out on Gearbest a few more days and also have a PayPal dispute open. I am hopeful that if they rule in my favor I can get a replacement or refund. I don't want to break it open just yet in case I need to return the device in untouched condition. I really appreciate the info and help. Speaks volumes to the forum members here. I will post results as soon as I have a decision from PP and/or GearWorst (terrible support)

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Quick question. I think I saw that with a blown fuse you could connect to a USB and would often get a response on the led screen, is this correct? I did try connecting and firing with no luck. I also tried a cold boot with the device connected to see if it would be discovered and nothing. they offered to send a new mod if I pay half of the cost. I am tempted to do it even thought I feel like I am being taken advantage of. I don't blame the chip, I know its solid, I am leaning towards the mod itself or possibly the cheap batteries they use. I am hooked on this chip, being an IT guy the ability to program with my PC is just sick. I am so impressed with the quality of the code I just can't not use one LOL. I looked around for a possible replacement mod and was pretty surprised to not see many mainstream mod manufactures using the chip yet. Really shocked to be honest. This thing should be in every serious vapor hand imho.

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  tageeboy said:

Quick question. I think I saw that with a blown fuse you could connect to a USB and would often get a response on the led screen, is this correct? I did try connecting and firing with no luck. I also tried a cold boot with the device connected to see if it would be discovered and nothing. they offered to send a new mod if I pay half of the cost. I am tempted to do it even thought I feel like I am being taken advantage of. I don't blame the chip, I know its solid, I am leaning towards the mod itself or possibly the cheap batteries they use. I am hooked on this chip, being an IT guy the ability to program with my PC is just sick. I am so impressed with the quality of the code I just can't not use one LOL. I looked around for a possible replacement mod and was pretty surprised to not see many mainstream mod manufactures using the chip yet. Really shocked to be honest. This thing should be in every serious vapor hand imho.

Gearbezt really screwed me over. They offered me the same deal-if I pay a % they would send me a new one and let me keep the defective one-so I took the deal, cuz I figured I would just get the board fixed and have 2 of them....well after 2 weeks I got impatient and emailed them to check the status of my replacement and they replied and said they no longer have any and they are discontinued. So they then switch their offer to return for a full refund or only get refunded 30% and keep the mod...problem is, since I accepted their previous offer, I went and took it apart, removing the stickers and voiding the warranty. I really got screwed...bad
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