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Reuleaux/general questions


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Hi there. I'm new to the DNA200 board, but not vaping or how forums operate in general. I did a little digging and I have a few questions that will probably have simple answers, but I can't seem to find them on my own. I've watched Phil Busardos videos extensively to get as much info as I could on escribe.

When I first picked the Reuleaux up, I did a little digging and most sites say the ohm minimums on the Realeaux is .1 for Ka/etc, and .08 for temp limiting. This didn't seem low enough for all the hype. I plugged my box into Escribe and it says the boxes minimum is .003, which also didn't seem right because that's borderline a dead short. Started searching on here, and the best answer I could find was that the box limits the wattage if I build below the 2 minimums it's rated to run(most probably not to melt the board/wiring) and there's a graph somewhere that shows what those limits are. I've currently got a .08 KaA1/Ni80 build on it, so I know the limit isn't .1. I'm just looking for the truth on what this box can do, and where this graph is if it exists.

TL;DR, What's the minimum resistance for the Wismec Reuleaux? Is there a graph that shows it along with limitations?

I've got the lastest version of Escribe, and it seems the watt feel adjustment is no longer an option. Just curious about if that was a bug and if it'll be back and when updates generally come up. The stock watt adjustment speed blows.

I downloaded a Zelda theme to my box, and I was wondering why it looked like crap. I was guessing that the pixel count on the DNA screen was super low because the themes on the escribe look gorgeous. I was also curious on if there was a program I could use to create my own themes, or if I just make them in paint or something simple and save them to the correct size/format?

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The .003 is the reauleaux's internal resistance, this helps the dna 200 chip calculate the actual resistance of the coil and atty. 

so knowing this if the dna 200 sees a total resistance of .043 it knows the coils and atty is .040 cause it already knows the internal resistance of the reuleaux is 0.003 and because of that can regulate the temperature more accurately.

so far i have been able to build down to 0.02 on nickle wire but having such a low resistance coil means i can only use 50 or so watts. 

to get the full 200 watts out of the dna200 you would have to build at 0.08 ohms.

I would still see about doing an actual resistance of the reuleaux as mine came out to 0.058 when i tested it. doing this will help get the most accurate temp control.

as for custom images i have just been using paint. and the reason for the image is not "looking so good" is due to the low resolution of the screen. make sure you only do black and white images as it will not do gradients.

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@Panda - Verrry useful answer. Thank you!
A full 200 watts is definitely not a concern of mine. I mostly use RDAs and vape at around 65-80watts for my standard builds. I've tried Ni200 at .06 in the past on my snow wolf and didn't care for the cooler vape. I planned to try Ni200 again now that I've got more wattage to push, but that may not be the case if it's going to limit my watts to <70 depending on my build.

I've tried setting up my Reuleaux for titanium, but for some reason my computer won't download the CSV file. I tried setting it by hand, but it felt as though it was vaping way too hot for what I had it set at. I'll try again on another computer.

I'm curious how you tested your chip if it isn't too long of a process to explain. Haha. I've got a couple theories on how you might have done it with the live readings on escribe, but those are just thoughts.
Thank you again!

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copper rod, use a tap and die kit to thread it for the 510 and go to atomizer analyzer and get reading and times by 0.8~ and it will be a good value to use mod resistance. 

Also wismec put out a file for the case thermals and i have been using those figures. 

running lower wattages is fine and i find it more stable of a temp control as long as i hit the temp. 

also let me rephrase the 200 watt part , you can hit 200 watts as low as 0.08 ohms. you do not have to build down to 0.08 ohms. 

so looks like the build range for 200 watts is 0.41~ - 0.08 ohms 

as for the csv file do not use internet explorer to download from steam-engine i use chrome.

i have heard the s-e file is good for titanium. 

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@Panda I don't have a tap and die kit to go though that process, so I may just use your calculation since it'll probably be more accurate than running it at what I am.

The other guy who posted in this thread linked me to the manual. Page 4 shows a picture of the chart for the ohm range to hit the full 200watts. 

I'm understanding the range for the full 200 watts as you described it. I wasn't meaning that I would try that exact build again. I was just hoping to use something other than 30g for the build, but I don't want to sacrifice my watts for a little lower of a build. If I remember correctly, my initial Ni build was 3.5mm 30g duel coil 12 wrap. It was just annoying to build. I think I'll enjoy titanium a lot more.

I normally use chrome, but I think when I click the "custom material" link, it may open up with internet explorer. That will hopefully solve that little problem. I'd delete IE, but my mom still lives in the 90's and she'd probably blow a fuse. Hahaha.

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You can get a really good mod resistance measurement with a modified cartomiser, almost as good with a solid copper bar (brass & aluminium should also be good), have a look in this thread http://evolvapor.forumchitchat.com/post/mod-resistance-7522239.  I have the right thread die and haven't bothered as I doubt I will get a better reading than the carto one.

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RunsWithOtter said:

@Panda I don't have a tap and die kit to go though that process, so I may just use your calculation since it'll probably be more accurate than running it at what I am.

I would run with the numbers that wismec has given you until you can do your own test. 

I think mine is a little high ( okay way high for a reuleaux ) and can cause issues for you . I plan on opening up the case and and checking solder points and maybe reflow them. 

If you go over the actual value of what your mods is , then it could cause havoc on your TC builds and kick you out of TC. 

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Thank you so much for the replies. I don't have much experience messing with boards yet, especially now that it's actually something to worry about with the DNA board. I'm trying to take every little bit of information I can get and apply it to what I know without skipping over anything.

@vaping bad
Thanks for the links and info. They've definitely proved useful already.

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@Jolley I guess for the way I vape, I prefer the option to remove my batteries and pop new ones in. I still use an external charger at night for charging. I'm using Imren 2500MaH 40A High Drains and they're running my for around 15 hours until I get low battery. They're only 25A continuous, but I keep my builds around .1-.12, and run 65-80watts. It's been a dream compared to my Snow Wolf which I only got around 7-9 hours of vape off of. For my style, the Reuleaux is my perfect box.

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