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evolve has the best customer service!


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So, my rolo just took its first tumble to the floor. Picked it up and a little scratched but fine. Then I notice the screen isn't showing properly. On closer inspection there's a tiny crack in the.corner of the screen. Not sure exactly where I would send it for service. Can it just be mailed to evolv and a replacement screen be put on it? Slight pressure and everything lights up fine. Still works fine, as well.

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is the actual screen glass cracked? can u post a pic? if the glass is cracked more than likely your screen will start to die. "the creeping black death". evolv doesn't repair entire mods. they'll just send you a new board when you send them your broken one, desoldered from the mod itself. i have heard of evolv taking in entire mods for repair, but that's rare. best bet is to contact your vendor and see if they'll replace it for you, even though it's your fault. good luck in your endeavor.

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Or try the house insurance new for old. I dont know what the turn over is for sending stuff in, but sending a board from uk then back again has took 5 weeks, replacement factory board though, soon got it fitted and running,  built several dna 200's now and had two duff boards, buying from secondary outlets, will go direct from now on..

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Its really hard to see the actual crack. I've seen plenty of these type of screens broke with the spreading black. I got it from vaportekusa so I guess I can ask them....I'm super bummed about it. And my Hana V200 is broken (again.) I just got it back and now the screen turns off when firing. I double checked the settings, definitely not set to dim out or anything on firing...

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  • 2 weeks later...

agree,,, they have been good to me,, even for all the bitching I do, but to be straight I will only buy direct from them in the future, all the boards I have purchased from reselers have come in a non sealed box, and some have failed within days or been inoperative from the start and said checked,,, checked it and buggered it moor like,,, I have never had a factory board fail yet,,, 

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I hope to see this excellent customer service you guys mention. I put a ticket in it took three days for the first response and two weeks for the second. I had to put a second ticket in before hearing back on the first. I sent my mod in last week hope they turn it around quick as they did for you. I do like the features of the board.

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  Icyx said:

I hope to see this excellent customer service you guys mention. I put a ticket in it took three days for the first response and two weeks for the second. I had to put a second ticket in before hearing back on the first. I sent my mod in last week hope they turn it around quick as they did for you. I do like the features of the board.


Holidays slowed things down a bit, and we are in the middle of moving some things around facility wise. We are definitely here and working the help desk each and every day. No new ticket goes un-answered, it simply isn't possible for someone to not look at it with the way our system works. Opening a second ticket will only increase the time it takes for us to get in touch as we try to track down multiple tickets for the same thing, combine the info into one ticket, and clean up the duplicate. 

We appreciate your patience while we are working nonstop to provide excellent support and bring you some new and exciting things this year. :)
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Well my mod came back from evolv and I have to say they do give damn good customer service. I sent my mod out Thursday New Year's Eve. Thursday the follwimg week they sent me a tracking number for its return trip. 2 days later I had it back in proper working order. I think that's pretty damn decent turn around time. Go evolv!

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