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CE approval


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This is one for the Europeans amongst us, I have noticed that the Hcigar vt200 has a CE mark on it. Now I am not so sure that mods fall under any of the categories that require CE approval. Is this just Hcigar bending the truth again (battery capacity) or is there a way of finding out which directive it is approved under? Probably won't get any responses to this question but thought this would be one of the best places to ask!

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It is just my guess but Mods would probably fall in the product group 'low voltage' and maybe also 'Electromagnetic compatibility'
Somebody working in customs would probably know better which product group they belong to.
See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CE_marking#Product_groups

I am pretty sure all mods, being electrical devices, require CE certification, so why would HCigar bend the truth with this?

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Well, I guess that is true. I did a little research; flashlights and other battery operated devices (not toys or medical) do not require a CE mark, so neither do mods.

Still, what truth is HCigar bending if they put a CE mark on their mods, even if there is no requirement for it?

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CE marking is self-certification. The mark means that they have tested the device according to the CE directives (and self-certified it) but since there are no CE directives for mods, the CE mark doesn't mean anything.
I do not know if that is an offense but if you say so, I believe you.

BTW: I took a look and found CE marks on the Kangertech, Kangxin, Vaporesso, Lost Vape, Opus, VapeOnly and Ijoy boxes, so HCigar is not the only one.

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  ChunkyButt200 said:

i wouldn't put too much stock into hallmarks on he bottom of anything coming from china. cheap clones i own even have the whole gambit of "certifications". i just assumed if it had ce on the product and it came from china it stood for China Export! lol


Yes after a bit more research i have found out that on the hcigar it is in fact china export mark!!

CE (european directive mark) and CE China Export mark are identical apart from the spacing!

China Export being closer together


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  lewisss said:

[QUOTE=ChunkyButt200]i wouldn't put too much stock into hallmarks on he bottom of anything coming from china. cheap clones i own even have the whole gambit of "certifications". i just assumed if it had ce on the product and it came from china it stood for China Export! lol


Yes after a bit more research i have found out that on the hcigar it is in fact china export mark!!

CE (european directive mark) and CE China Export mark are identical apart from the spacing!

China Export being closer together[/QUOTE]LOL
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