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just as in VW, making dual TC coils has to be more precise. if one coil has less or more resistance than the other your TC accuracy goes out the window. maybe consider trying a single TC coil first to see what it's all about. what do you have for TC wire? i'm not going to list all of my TC wires setups, that'd take too long. if you have SS i'd say try that first since you can run it in either TC or VW mode. let me know what kind of wire you're working with and i'll tell you what works for me with that wire.

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ChunkyButt200 said:

just as in VW, making dual TC coils has to be more precise. if one coil has less or more resistance than the other your TC accuracy goes out the window. maybe consider trying a single TC coil first to see what it's all about. what do you have for TC wire? i'm not going to list all of my TC wires setups, that'd take too long. if you have SS i'd say try that first since you can run it in either TC or VW mode. let me know what kind of wire you're working with and i'll tell you what works for me with that wire.

I have dual Clapton coils 24 g kanthal
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DevynV2203 said:

I have dual Clapton coils 24 g kanthal

i'm sorry devyn, kanthal cannot be used in temp control with the dna 200 or any other evolv board as of yet. you need to use a wire that is NOT kanthal or nichrome. TC wires include but are not limited to : titanium, nickel200, stainless steel etc.
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ChunkyButt200 said:

i'm sorry devyn, kanthal cannot be used in temp control with the dna 200 or any other evolv board as of yet. you need to use a wire that is NOT kanthal or nichrome. TC wires include but are not limited to : titanium, nickel200, stainless steel etc.

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DevynV2203 said:

So I should get a titanium build going for it?

sure, why not. grab up some titanium, make a spaced coil, make sure your post connections are secure. on your dna 200/75 select titanium from the materiel list set your preheat settings, set your temp and wattage (for my dual 24g ti builds i start at 450°F 45w) and work your way up from there. basically adjust to taste. mind the preheat, it might be defaulted at 200w, dial it way back since this sounds like your first time using TC. 
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Just adjust to taste, turn the temp down until you go past your sweet spot and go back a notch, if is not to your liking maybe go up, it is liquid and build specific there is no one setting suites all.   I did a poll on another forum and most people vaped between 400 425 F, only a few over 450 F or below 400 F, but it does depend on the build & atty some can need a lot more or less.

Preheat is all about how fast your vape heats up, punch is how close to your set temp before it stops and power is the initial power into a cool coils, personally I would have the punch highish.  The ph power depends on how you use temp control, some ppl vape at 200 W and let the temp limiting control the actual power and if you are in this camp then you don't really need preheat and just leave it at 200 W.  If you set the power to somewhere near where you like to vape, you can still let the temp limiting, maybe start at +50% of your wattage setting turn up if it takes too long to heat up or down if the opposite.  It is a bit confusing at first so don't worry, just turn oh up if your build takes too ling to heat up or down if it heats up too fast.

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You could look at how the atty is performing in realtime, if you connect into escribe and select devise monitor and see how your (red) temp line is rising, falling, smooth and steady ect, sos it wont be clear to you until you experiment with it, ,, but if it vapes good as is right now, it cant be bad..

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Turn the temp up and or use a coil with more contact area, ss is the hardest wire to get used to temp limiting so trust your senses and experience as a vaper to home in on the settings that suit you.  Just for completeness insufficient airflow and wicking both cause the temp limit to cut in.

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