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316 ss need help


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Opus DNA 200 I have been using titanium since I first got my opus and been very happy I decided to try 316ss 3 builds no space glow light .space glow light space no glow . Bellow v3 24 GA 316 lighting vape wire 2.5 center 0.11 build pre heat 50 /120 punch med 1 second temperature 330 /480 .no flat line at all 2.5 second puff will get 200 degree swing once. then smaller swings up and down it's not going over the set temperature to bad but dropping I use the wire cv that I got with e scribe and tried smoke Calc cv what am I missing the same atty titanium build really nice flat line and vapor please need input thanks

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Until the 200 get the update to improve ss I find the best approach is to use preheat to get to temp and set the wattage to maintain the temp just below the limit.
This show that for the first half of the vape, then I let it go above the limit to show the difference.

When the update comes you will get a smooth line like the DNA 75 with ss.

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Thank you so much Vapingbad I was lost I had helped someone with a DNA 75 and it was a excellent Flatline I didn't realize the DNA 200 might be behind it I am sure it will not be too long before that is changed the titanium has me pretty spoiled so no problem waiting on up Date give me something to look forward too thank you again

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Jentz9517 said:

@vapingbad, so at quick glance your saying that SS mode is being worked on and an update will come through soon to fix? It would explain my lackluster experience the other day.. I thought I had a defective mod
when can we excpect update??????? 


The update will make it a lot smoother regulation for ss, it will be coming, but I don't have a date.
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  VapingBad said:

The update will make it a lot smoother regulation for ss, it will be coming, but I don't have a date.


I never have had problems with SS but with 2cell 133 its a different story.. I have yet to get a decent pull 
off a dual 18650 set up. I must be overlooking something it seems like theres not enough current even setting to max preheat max punch it lacks authority. I know it shouldn't be that way.. does anyone else have this problem? both my vt133 and duo behave the same.. I haven't tried lipo in duo yet to see if it reacts differently or a possible connection issue but as of yet both mods do this
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  Jentz9517 said:

I never have had problems with SS but with 2cell 133 its a different story.. I have yet to get a decent pull 
off a dual 18650 set up. I must be overlooking something it seems like theres not enough current even setting to max preheat max punch it lacks authority. I know it shouldn't be that way.. does anyone else have this problem? 


The main difference with 133 config is a 6 V output limit and if you are using high res this may limit your power a bit, what res are you using?
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