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Info for HCigar VT133 Owners


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So, i for one was one of the owners of a VT200 who had no issues whatsoever, and adored it other than its less-than-stellar battery life.

Between you lovely people here, and DJSLB doing some "testing" i was able to get the mod's core settings populated and calibrated properly.

However, i've sold that on, and bought the VT133 after deciding i'd rather have swappable batteries and limited power.

But HCigar strikes again, there is NO OoTB config on the device bar a pretty crap battery curve for the VTC4s. I've since swapped out to HG2s and run the calibration on that without issue.

However, what i dont have, is mod resistance, nor casing settings.

I'm trying to find a little temp sensor to calibrate the box itself against, but mod resistance is going to prove tricky. I've been unable as-yet to find an M7x0.5 copper or brass bolt to try and test the resistance with.

So, owners of the VT133, come forth, discuss, and perhaps between us we can get all the information together required to make this mod as good as it can be!

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timbomfg said:

That's a good shout, i'm sure i have an old 510-ego adapter kicking around somewhere from my MVP days! Whatcha reckon, just a big glob of solder in the top of it, then stick a multimeter on the bottom once it's cooled to see what it shows?

Here's mine:
I removed the insides and the rubber grommet and put the positive pin back in and filled with solder.
(from the bottom)
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timbomfg said:

That's a good shout, i'm sure i have an old 510-ego adapter kicking around somewhere from my MVP days! Whatcha reckon, just a big glob of solder in the top of it, then stick a multimeter on the bottom once it's cooled to see what it shows?

  If you do this I would appreciate a share of your result as I don't own a soldering iron.
I am currently using 0.022 as the mod resistance which seems to work pretty well (the value given on djlsbvapes for the vt200 :(  )
  I too owned and loved the vt200 before selling it to buy this device. I am loving this. The battery life is excellent. Just hope VapingwithTwisted420 didn't put too many people off this device when he did a full review with the battery door installed the wrong way round. 
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0.022 is a bad number than originated a djlsb. I got ~0.004 as did several others. That would be a better guess until someone checks it. I got a very nice little copper 510 plug from one of the members here (name escapes me at the moment) made for the purpose.

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IIRC weren't there two different 510 connections over the course of the VT200s production run? Maybe that'd account for it?

I have to say, based on what i'm seeing between a few other mods i own, my VT133 could be around 0.01 out. 

I need to either build a 510 blank to test, or see if the gent on here who makes the copper slugs with the M7x0.5 thread would ship the the United Kingdom of Tea and Scones.

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Sat my VT133 in my server room for a few hours. Room is kept at 18degC using a fairly decent A/C unit, and the multiple readings around the room confirm the room temp.

Unit left to run through its process over the 4 or so hours it takes, results are as follows:

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