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SDNA is breaking my heart!

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I love this mod but today the 510 connector became very loose on the inside of the mod and now my tank is wiggling around. I want to rip into it and see what the problem is but I'm wondering if SMY will replace it since it is under warranty. I got it on eBay for a great price and I hate to see it take a crap now, not only 6 months into it. I think it's the small nut that tightens the 510 to the box but that nut is on the inside and I'm thinking it's not a good idea to open it up and DIY fix. Thoughts anyone? What to do? I emailed SMY today and I'm waiting for a response.

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RonHowardDawson said:

I love this mod but today the 510 connector became very loose on the inside of the mod and now my tank is wiggling around. I want to rip into it and see what the problem is but I'm wondering if SMY will replace it since it is under warranty. I got it on eBay for a great price and I hate to see it take a crap now, not only 6 months into it. I think it's the small nut that tightens the 510 to the box but that nut is on the inside and I'm thinking it's not a good idea to open it up and DIY fix. Thoughts anyone? What to do? I emailed SMY today and I'm waiting for a response.

i remember reading smy has a US warranty service center. i would find out how to contact that specific place. you could email evolv asking them for info on this new warranty center. 
either way, don't tear into it yet. you have a warranty, i would use it. 
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Thanks for the reply chunk. I read a post saying that smy has( or going to have) a repair center here in the US too. Where that is, or if it actually exists is another mystery. I think I have a snow balls chance in hell that SMY will give me a warranty on this mod. What pisses me off is SMY, they build a mod that can push 200 watts, obviously people are going to put big giant tanks on them, the 510 needs to be strong. Why build a mod that is awesome in so many ways and than cheap out on the connection??

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I had one that did the same thing. The only way to tighten the nut on the 510 connector is to take the battery out and de solder it from the board. Taking the battery out is a royal PIA as the tape they use to secure it is overkill. I ended up taking the chip and screen and putting it into a different box. So if you really like the mod, I would suggest trying to the contact for SMY USA service. 

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Why would I need to do all that? Can't I just take the cover off and tighten the nut from there? I don't need to get a wrench in there or anything. I could see possibly taking out the battery and removing the board but I don't see the need to de solder it. That seems like overkill. Finger tight would probably be enough. I emailed SMY yesterday and haven't heard back yet. Where is the US repair place? Anyone have a contact there? Or a phone number? This cleito tank wobbling around on top is getting old real fast.

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hi just relaying my findings although the US SMY service centre (who still haven't replied to my ticket)

SMY changed their warranty policy in March 2016 so if you purchased it before then you should have a 12month warranty. Who is to say that they are not prepeared to honour the prior agreement?

My vendor has chosen not be retroactive in regards to this and SMY warranty service (China) have not replied

The US service centre charges $40 for repairs within warranty, $50 outside of warranty or if they consider the seal to be broken.
Kind of really throws dispersion on their whole warranty system.

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RonHowardDawson said:

Why would I need to do all that? Can't I just take the cover off and tighten the nut from there? I don't need to get a wrench in there or anything. I could see possibly taking out the battery and removing the board but I don't see the need to de solder it. That seems like overkill. Finger tight would probably be enough. I emailed SMY yesterday and haven't heard back yet. Where is the US repair place? Anyone have a contact there? Or a phone number? This cleito tank wobbling around on top is getting old real fast.


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Steve, have you delt with this SMY repair location? Or has anyone else had anything repaired there? It's looks like the address is out in the sticks. Backwoods style on google map. They are asking me to send in my device for repair but it doesn't look like the typical repair place I had in mind. Just making sure it isn't a hoax.

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