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SS316L Update

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  • 2 weeks later...

What is the latest FW for the DNA75. I am new to the whole Escribe thing. I'm not new to TC but all my experience is with the SX YiHi board. I've been using TC since they first came out with the M class. I use SS316L and Ti almost exclusively. If I have the correct FW will it automatically update my settings for different wire or what. I haven't gotten my mod yet because we have been on vacation for 5 weeks but it is waiting for me at the PO. It is a Therion and has several presets already in it but I have heard that they don't work real well with SS so how do I upgrade them. Thanks I hope I am asking this in the right place.

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The DNA75 does well with SS3XX
Download for recommended EScribe is on this page.
Otherwise you may use the SP3 "Early" from the 1st post of the Early software page.

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