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Dna133/200 lower watt batt efficiency


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I just picked up my first dna device a month ago. So of course i am now hooked. Its only a smy sdna 75 but is an amazing out and about mod. My question is since i dont really vape over 60-75 max watts i would like to get a dna 133/200 for extended higher 60-80 watt range vaping without getting battery sag sometimes even as early as 75% batt. remaining. I already adjusted preheat level down from stock settings. So would a dna133 setup running say two 25r samsungs or he4's be better for me than say a 900 or1300 mah lipo pack dna 200 mod. Like i stated i would love to have great good batt. life and not see battery sag like my sdna 75 gives me at higher watts and higher preheat settings for some of my dual coil rda rta setups requiring what i wish my single cell 75 dna mod could give me. Any input or feedback would be awesome and much appreciated in my next evolv dna powered mod purchase so i could weed out ( give to friends n family) my other mods, cleaning up my hoarding or now inferior designed mods. Thanks everyone i hope i put this request in the right area of the forum, if not let me know.

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My build is a dual 316l dual clapton, ss core and outter, measuring .016 ohms, my mod is a sdna75 and i am looking to get either a 133, 200, or dual 18650 powered 75 mod. I appreciate all feedback so far and the voltage cut off/limit chart is going to be useful, thanx. But my current mod being that its a dna 75 board doesnt apply to dual, tripple, or lipo pack 200 board limits since its only a single 18650. From searching i havent found a definitive answer for my mod on what the lowest resitance build it can fire in powermode. I believe the .08 ohm min. applies to both the 75 & 200 boards? Just read some specs that my mod had a min. Power mode resistance min. of something a long the lines of .2 ohms when i cant see that being true as i switch between power and temp with the build (.16 ss x2 claptons) regularly and it fires in both modes. Sorry for the confusion as my original post was sort of two parted asking why i some times get roughly 40w after my battery starts getting lower in charge and to me seems like it is "sag", then i ask about whether a dna 200 lipo, dna 133 dual, or now i'm tossing the idea of a dual 75 around in my head for my next purchase for my heavy hitter, around the house mod. Does any one have any feedback on the boxer 75 dual, the cheaper one thats under $100?

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If you want to buy a DNA 200 mod, here's a real bargain. I just bought one, myself. I have heard complaints about HCigar 133. But, I have also read some of the posts by senior members, who have several, and love them. So, why not?

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Thanx for the deal hook up I just am a little concerned that my 24mm rda rta or tanks might overhang in the front of the 510 connector base. I would also love the black on black VT133. Can anyone confirm or deny that a larger rda etc. will overhang? Better start mixing my own liquid and save for a VT133 as it is a likely candidate for my next workhorse to replace some of my less desirable high wattage mods.

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I can't confirm it, as I am the 3rd buyer on this auction. But, I have 2 Hana's with a 22mm 510 base, and my 23mm tanks don't overhang. It looks like there is a little more room to work with on top of the HCigar VT133, so you're probably safe. It looks like about the same amount of space as my Hero 200. 1mm circumference isn't very much, at all. I didn't think the Hana's could handle a 23mm, but they do just fine with them. May I also recommend a very reasonable juice manufacturer? Kevin is a very nice, and conscientious supplier! Not a lot of flavors. But, made to order. And very tasty! The Max VG is really high VG. One Hit Wonder claims all their juices are 80%. But, it's too thin to be that, imo.  I recommend the Strawberry Milk. But, it might not be your thing.

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  txmonkey214 said:

I can't confirm it, as I am the 3rd buyer on this auction. But, I have 2 Hana's with a 22mm 510 base, and my 23mm tanks don't overhang. It looks like there is a little more room to work with on top of the HCigar VT133, so you're probably safe. It looks like about the same amount of space as my Hero 200. 1mm circumference isn't very much, at all. I didn't think the Hana's could handle a 23mm, but they do just fine with them. May I also recommend a very reasonable juice manufacturer? Kevin is a very nice, and conscientious supplier! Not a lot of flavors. But, made to order. And very tasty! The Max VG is really high VG. One Hit Wonder claims all their juices are 80%. But, it's too thin to be that, imo.  I recommend the Strawberry Milk. But, it might not be your thing.


I am orderig the vt133 and ordering some rbtx juice this friday. Where is rbtx liquid located? As far as time for delivery.
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  txmonkey214 said:

I can't confirm it, as I am the 3rd buyer on this auction. But, I have 2 Hana's with a 22mm 510 base, and my 23mm tanks don't overhang. It looks like there is a little more room to work with on top of the HCigar VT133, so you're probably safe. It looks like about the same amount of space as my Hero 200. 1mm circumference isn't very much, at all. I didn't think the Hana's could handle a 23mm, but they do just fine with them. May I also recommend a very reasonable juice manufacturer? Kevin is a very nice, and conscientious supplier! Not a lot of flavors. But, made to order. And very tasty! The Max VG is really high VG. One Hit Wonder claims all their juices are 80%. But, it's too thin to be that, imo.  I recommend the Strawberry Milk. But, it might not be your thing.

Speaking of Hana, I finally got someone to answer me from there. I wanted a V200 to add to my DNA 200 collection and they never have any in stock. Well, they finally answered me via email and said they could put a black one in stock for me to purchase if I wanted, so I was like cool. Then they sent me an email saying they haven't been in stock because they've discontinued them do to problems inside the box. I asked if they would be replacing it with something else so they'll have a DNA 200 out for purchase. They said no, nothing to replace the V200. I'm not going to buy it if the boxes are having problems with the internals. Hana was a top player in the ecig business for a long time. They let themselves go big time. Hana is definitely not what it used to be.
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Thanx txtmonkey, I currently like blue dot but I just checked what rbtx has to offer and if it wasn't for me ordering a re-up from bdv yesterday I might order but it will have to wait a week. The VT133 is more than likely going to be next purchase. I am really shocked and disappointed in Hana modz also. Maybe they just gave up since these stupid fda deadlines for anything ecig related, especially if it's made in the usa, is destroying the hopes and dreams of companies and b&m stores across the country at the cost of jobs. Designing or manufacturing anything anymore in our country is becoming harder and harder. That's why Hana had to charge what they do I order to stay in business before they had these regulations dropped on their company. I get all worked up everytime I think about these darn regulations or ridiculous law suits etc. I feel like smoking a cig now! Jk big tobacco I will stick with vaping till the fda comes door to door like the Gestapo and pry my MOD from my cold dead fingers!

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dylang919, If you do buy a Hana, replace the positive wire going to the 510, and the wiring and connectors for the battery. Not much room to work with. There's nothing preventing the battery coming into contact with the back of the chip. Not even open space. That can't be good for the mod's longevity. I am considering replacing the batteries with the smaller 900 mah battery evolv uses, just for that reason. Their problems really can't be tied to August 8.They never had a DNA 75 mod in production. But, yeah. The Harvard study, and others, as well as the recycling of criticisms of Joe Camel, and Camel's flavored line don't pass my smell test. And their dismissal of the existence of people quitting smoking by vaping? That is ridiculous. I'm an ex-smoker. I know way too many people who quit smoking, by vaping.

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