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Notify for EScribe Update


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One thing i would wish is a small notification not only for the device software but also if a newer version of escribe is available.

That's all.

Another option would be to announce the version next to the download link with a release date so I can see easily if there is a newer version available.

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  • 3 months later...

The escribe software does not seem to update even with auto update on. Downloaded the software from the escribe web site which is set up for an old version. Waited for the update message_ Nothing for 5 days. Configured windows 7 to allow escribe access _ Nothing!. Went to DNA forum to find a link for an update and did it manually. A beta version exists at the moment for the latest update but will wait until proven. Anyone else have this problem. Where is a site to check to see if you have the latest update/version. Can't find this on the evovl site and it downloads an old version. What's that about??? _

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OK. Just to clarify this. These 2 different types of updates that happen on escribe. 1.Firmware update of the Specific Mod one is using ie Lavabox 2.Software update of the escribe program. Correct!!! When firmware updates are mentioned does this only refer to the Mod?? And is an update from the company that has produced the Mod (guess there would be few of these).

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Danny Higgins said:

OK. Just to clarify this. These 2 different types of updates that happen on escribe. 1.Firmware update of the Specific Mod one is using ie Lavabox 2.Software update of the escribe program. Correct!!! When firmware updates are mentioned does this only refer to the Mod?? And is an update from the company that has produced the Mod (guess there would be few of these).

Firmware updates is for the board (dna200) that Lavabox are using
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Thanks understand now. When you download the escribe software from evolv for setting up your DNA 200 is there any reason for not showing all the latest versions of their program or is it left up to the individual to decide what version they wish to download. Don't have a link to all their updates on their site. Only reason as shown above in comments is I was not receiving any notification from auto update.

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  • 9 months later...

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