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I literally received like 5 DNA mods in the past 2 weeks and 3 of them were bad and wont EVEN CHARGE or power on at all and one kept saying warranty
The bad unit i plugged upto escribe and they were producing bad battery indicators.  LAVABOX_DNA_200_Defective_Unit.png 
1. LAVABOX DNA200 Received Straight from manufacture Escribe Results Above Received item 12/1/2016

2. SMY SDNA200 Unit would not even power on and had similar results with Escribe as above.

3. HCicar VT200 Would not turn on or charge and had similiar CELL results as above. I have a ton of Sealed lavaboxes in my room and now I am like Afraid of all units with batteries in them might be bad.. I never had a single issue until I switched over to DNA Units with batteries in them then I Started getting mostly Defective Units.. I tired all the USB Recharching thing trick like 10 times and it did not help any of them. 

Anyhow I was looking here
What is the latest EScribe Settings (.ecig)  FILE out there that is optimized for the default 900mah Battery? Anyone link me to a download for the best one to use I want to make sure I am getting the most out of my units and the latest one I found was from may 2015 so I am looking for the latest and GREATEST EScribe Settings (.ecig) FILE download for the LAVABOX DNA200 with the factory default 900 battery any it. 
Anyone can help me out You are the best!!! :)
God Bless and I really hope someone can find the file for me I dont want to brick my units i have 4 open right now and I want the most optimized settings file for them and also the CSV for the battery download file would be great. 

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For starters, your post title could have been worded much better. You bought mods with DEAD batteries. That is a manufacturer issue. I bet they all work fine if you vape while plugged into a USB cable? :D

The data within the .ecig file probably has not changed at all, plus YOU have the ability to create that information the best for each of your mods. The 'big/important' piece is the mod resistance (for the best TC), and the manufacturer probably checked a few or one of their mods and programmed that same value for all of them.

As far as your battery setting, the absolute best one is one that you would run on your own battery.

It seems like you're getting a lot of old stock from smaller vendors where they don't move much product, so they just sit there discharging. You should be hitting up the vendors for replacements or batteries at least, not bashing Evolv. :thumb:

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FFS man, you couldn't have just done a copy and paste like this

Battery Capacity: 9.99Wh
Soft Cell Cutoff: 3.09v
Mod Internal Resistance: 0.007 Ohms

Those look fine. What makes you so sure they've changed? The mod will work fine with those settings, one cannot normally brick this chip by running battery analyzer or checking the mod resistance, but with your luck :D LOL.

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Well my releaux dna200 came with overtightened frnt plate and maged to get all cells to male conection the sing cotton as shrry fron wismec blatantlt.lied and offered me amd rx chip mod and an atty for mine when they sold me the releauz dna200. And a prwvipi smfor ae mod painted bronze still dna200 in wismwc main site and they cant fix a dam. Tray!? They want to keep the dna200 pf.coirse i put sone cotton and. Batteries are making connection.. the sp5a has some qeird way of keeping the cells balaced dischargw but does.tje.job Not pulin all power of.cell 1 anymore.now thwu dicharge.weirdly in monitpr but even if u dont let it charge a cell and chaIn vape then it turns wven so i guess its the charging. Really angry thay wismec wpupd so bpatanrly lied i provided proof and got 3 different rx offer and Sherry lying sayong they dont produce it?! Gosh. Last wismec product i ever buy and they are NOT getting my releaux dna200 paint it bronze and sepl for more... dont know what conpany to trust to buy a dna250 or shouod i buy the chip myself?

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